1. Definition and profile

The objectives of this Action are to:

  • Formalize a common language and characterize the profiles of Data Stewards and other Data-related jobs: data librarians, data archivists, data curators, data scientists, etc.
  • Establish a grid of competencies and skills (professional, methodological, personal and social ones) of the Data Stewards

Action plan:

  • Creating a glossary of common definitions and terms
  • Identifying key skills and abilities of Data Stewards
  • Creating a reference framework for these skills and abilities


a. Characterizing the role of Data Steward in the context of the Swiss scientific community

These two figures illustrate the contributions by the data-related professionals to the steps of the data lifecycle, and the specific tasks of the Data Stewards at each step:

Depending on the specific context, the institutional environment and the resources available, the level of Data Stewards' contribution to each step (advise or support) may slightly vary from the one shown in the Figure.

The full results are detailed in this deliverable

(French version and English version):

b. Specifying the key skills and abilities of Data Stewards

The competencies and skills required of Data Stewards are very specific. They include professional and social competencies, as presented in this other deliverable (French version and English version):
