Project partners

University of Lausanne (UNIL) has initiated and is leading house of the SwissDS-ENV project: Swiss Data Stewardship Environment: Profile - Training - Network. The University Department on Information Resources and Archives (UNIRIS) leads the project, and coordinates and facilitates its activities. It is also in charge of the financial, administrative and legal aspects of the project, and of the reporting to swissuniversities.

Contact : Gérard Bagnoud (, Marielle Guirlet (, Carmen Jambé, Joyce Maurin (UNIRIS)

UNIL/UNIRIS partners with seven other academic institutions:

The Haute Ecole Pédagogique du canton de Vaud (HEP Vaud) contributes to Action 1 (Definition and Profile) with the list of skills and capacities and the competency framework, and to Action 2 (Certificate Course).

Contact: Mathilde Panes, Yves Debernardi

University of Geneva (UNIGE) contributes to Action 1 and action 2 by developing modules on specific topics.

Contact : Jean-Blaise Claivaz, Claire Wuillemin

Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) contributes to Action 2 by developing a module specialized in life sciences.

Contact : Patricia Palagi, Vassilios Ioannidis, Grégoire Rossier

The Haute école de gestion Genève (HEG/HESSO-GE) contributes to Action 2 by developing the transdisciplinary core curriculum.

Contact : René Schneider, Eloïse Morisod

The Centre de compétences suisse en sciences sociales (FORS) contributes to Action 2 by developing a module specialized in human and social sciences.

Contact : Alexandra Stam

University of Zurich (UZH) contributes to Action 3 (Community of Practice).

Contact : Andrea Malits, Melanie Röthlisberger

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) contributes to Action 3.

Contact: Martin Jaekel, Felix Moerman
