
Presentation Title: A New Statistical Methodology to Investigate Post-Intensive Care Syndrome in Pediatric Survivors and Their Families

Authors: Zahra Rahmaty, Joseph C. Manning, Maria Helena Perez, Anne-Sylvie Ramelet

Presented at: 2022 Conference of the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies

Presentation Title: Conceptualizing Post-Intensive Care Syndrome in Pediatric Survivors And Their Families With The Lens Of Bioecological Theory Of Human Development

Authors: Zahra Rahmaty, Ibo McDonald, Joseph C. Manning, Maria Helena Perez, Anne-Sylvie Ramelet

Presented at: 9th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies. 10.3389/978-2-88971-024-9

Paper Title: Post-intensive Care Syndrome in Pediatrics—Enhancing Understanding Through a Novel Bioecological Theory of Human Development Lens

Authors: Zahra Rahmaty, Joseph C. Manning, Ibo Macdonald, Maria Helena Perez, Anne-Sylvie Ramelet

Publication year: 2023

Presentation Title: Post Intensive Care Syndrome in Swiss Pediatric Survivors and Their Families [PICSS-PF]: a National Longitudinal Multicenter Study Protocol

Authors: Zahra Rahmaty, Joseph C. Manning, Mark Martson, Maria Helena Perez, Anne-Sylvie Ramelet

Presented at: 2023 Conference of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine

Presentation Title: Moving Beyond Survival: Understanding Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) in Pediatric Patients and their Families

Presented by: Zahra Rahmaty

Presented at: 2023 congress of the Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine (SSICM)

Paper Title: Post Intensive Care Syndrome in Swiss Paediatric survivors and their Families (PICSS-PF): a national, multicentre, longitudinal study protocol

Authors: Zahra Rahmaty, Joseph C. Manning, Maria Helena Perez, Anne-Sylvie Ramelet

Publication year: 2023

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