Dr. Zahra Rahmaty
Role: Principal Investigator and Research Coordinator of the PICSS-PF Study
Current position: Research and Educational fellow at the University Institute of Training and Research in Care (IUFRS) at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM) of the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV).
Dr. Rahmaty is a nurse scientist who specializes in child development and health outcomes research, with a focus on post-intensive care outcomes. She also has a special interest and skills in advanced statistical and research methodologies.
With a deep commitment to improving health outcomes, Dr. Rahmaty is a registered nurse in Iran and the USA. She obtained her master’s degree in pediatric nursing from the Iran University of Medical Sciences and later earned her Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, USA. During her tenure as a researcher at the Health Outcome Research Center of the University of Maryland, Dr. Rahmaty collaborated with leading experts in the child health and development field, further enhancing her expertise.
Connect: linkedin.com/in/zahrarahmaty

Prof. Dr. Anne-Sylvie Ramelet
Role: Supervisor, Co-Investigator, CHUV Representative
Current position: Full Professor at the University Institute of Training and Research in Care (IUFRS) at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM) of the University of Lausanne.
Prof. Ramelet is a Research Nurse Consultant in the Woman-Mother-Child Department of the CHUV(University Hospital of Lausanne) as well. She obtained her doctorate in nursing sciences from the University of Curtin, Western Australia. Her clinical experience of more than 15 years as an intensive care nurse has largely contributed to inspiring her research program. She is a well-recognized international researcher in the field of family nursing to support families of patients hospitalized in critical/acute care units. She is currently the Principal Investigator of the national OCToPuS study program, focusing on chronically critically ill children, families, and healthcare professionals.
Connect: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-sylvie-ramelet

Dr. Maria-Helena Perez
Role: Co-Investigator
Current position: Specialist in pediatrics and intensive care medicine at the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV) and a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine, the University of Lausanne (UNIL).
Dr. Maria-Helena Perez has been working at CHUV, PICU since 2005. Her research focuses on pediatric patients’ hemodynamics, nutrition, and improving the care of critically ill children. She has been the Co-Investigator of the national OCToPuS study program, focusing on chronically critically ill children, families, and healthcare professionals.
Connect: linkedin.com/in/marie-hélène-perez-74a3604b

Dr. Joseph C. Manning
Role: Co-Investigator
Current position: Clinical-Academic Nurse and a current National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and Health Education England (HEE) Integrated Clinical-Academic (ICA) Clinical Lecturer.
Dr. Manning is committed to developing a comprehensive understanding of the experiences and outcomes of children, their parents, and siblings following pediatric intensive care discharge in order to inform the development of support services for families.
In 2021 Joseph was awarded a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) medal, for services to Nursing, by Her Majesty the Queen in her Birthday Honours.
Connect: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-manning-mbe-phd-rn-52277932/
PICSS-PF consortium
The PICSS-PF consortium consists of all the medical and nurse collaborators that support the PICSS-PF data collection at local sites.
Medical heads of the PICUs
Dr. Daniel Trachsel, Dr. Thomas Riedel, Dr. Bjarte Rogdo, Dr. Angelo Polito, Dr. Martin Stocker, Dr. André Birkenmaier, Dr. Luregn Schlapbach, Dr. Maria-Helena Perez
Research collaborators
Mr. Mark Marston, Ms. Bettina Vessaz, Ms. Pascale van Kleef, Ms. Nathalie Bochaton, Ms. Doris Zimmermann, Ms. Cathrine Liechti, Ms. Rahel Bundschuh, Ms. Sanella Ellersich; Ms. Anika Adam, Ms. Rahel Hegglin, Ms. Ruth Dutler, Ms. Friederike Schwarz, PFZ Basel, Ms. Adina Briana Heitmann-Frei, Ms. Christina Lehmann, Mr. Lilian Penfornus, Ms. Sabrina Wismer, Ms. Kathrin Schwendener, Ms. Sarah Naji, Dr. Elisa Zimmermann, Dr. Guillaume Maitre, Ms. Silvia Alvarado, Dr. Vivianne Chanez , Dr. Laurence Boillat