Postdoc fellow
Rosanna dot De-meo at chuv dot ch
PhD in Neuroscience, University of Lausanne, UNIL
Bachelor in Psychology, University of Lausanne, UNIL
Master in Neuroscience, University of Geneva, UNIGE
Research interests
Auditory cortex, plasticity, semantic representations, training/learning, EEG
Current projects
Plasticity of semantic representations
Awards and Grants
- Nov. 2013: SSN Travel Fellowship
De Meo, R., Bourquin, NM, Knebel, JF, Murray, MM & Clarke, S. (2015) From bird to sparrow: Learning-induced modulations in fine-grained semantic discrimination.Neuroimage. Jun 9;118:163-173. http://doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.05.091.
De Meo, R., Murray, M. M., Clarke, S., & Matusz, P. J. (2015). Top-down control and early multisensory processes: chicken vs. egg. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 9.
Oral presentations
- International School of Clinical Neuroanatomy, Venice, May 2013: “From bird to sparrow: electrophysiological correlates of intra-categorical discrimination training.”
Poster presentations
- Sep. 2012: Lemanic Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Les Diablerets.
R. De Meo, N. Bourquin, J.-F. Knebel, M.M. Murray and S. Clarke. From bird to sparrow: electrophysiological correlates of intra-categorical discrimination training. - Jan. 2013: Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting, Champéry
R. De Meo, N. Bourquin, J.-F. Knebel, M.M. Murray and S. Clarke. From bird to sparrow: electrophysiological correlates of intra-categorical discrimination training. - Feb. 2013: Swiss Society of Neuroscience annual meeting, Geneva
R. De Meo, N. Bourquin, J.-F. Knebel, M.M. Murray and S. Clarke. From bird to sparrow: electrophysiological correlates of intra-categorical discrimination training. - Sep. 2013: Lemanic Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Les Diablerets.
R. De Meo, N. Bourquin, J.-F. Knebel, M.M. Murray and S. Clarke. From bird to sparrow: electrophysiological correlates of intra-categorical discrimination training. - Nov. 2013: Society for Neuroscience (SfN) annual meeting, San Diego.
R. De Meo, N. Bourquin, J.-F. Knebel, M.M. Murray and S. Clarke. Electrophysiological correlates of intra-categorical discrimination training.