About our lab!

We are part of the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Lausanne and are located in Rue du Bugnon 7 in Lausanne.

Our team aims to decipher the anatomical and functional interactions between glia and neurons for the regulation of energy balance by combining neuroanatomical, molecular, and physiological approaches.

More about our lab here.

Recent news

  • New Lab member
    Welcome to Irina Kolotueva!!!
  • New publication!
    Our new review, entitled Tanycyte, the neuron whisperer, has been published in Physiology & Behavior. Congratulations to all the authors.…
  • Happy Holidays !!!
    No updates or announcements: simply warmth, joy, and peace from our team! Happy Holidays !!!
  • New publication!
    Our paper studying the Ontogeny of ependymoglial cells lining the third ventricle in mice, in collaboration with Croizier laboratory, has…

“Those who do not know the torment of the unknown cannot have the joy of discovery which is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel.”

Claude Bernard, “An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine”