360 degree support for Open Access
As part of its Open Science strategy, which is currently under review, and after a few years of implementing its Open Access policy and developing accompanying tools and services, UNIL now offers its researchers 360-degree Open Access support, that is in all areas of Open Access. We have come full circle! Indeed, it is now possible to publish articles in Hybrid or Gold OA journals from a number of publishing houses thanks to numerous institutional agreements with publishers. The golden path also remains open to any researcher who does not have access to third-party funds through our Gold Open Access Fund.
UNIL also extends its support to the platinum or diamond road, notably by signing the action plan for the diamond OA and by applying its principles in the SOAP2 publication platform that UNIL offers to any journal published within the institution. UNIL and SOAP2 are pleased to welcome the International journal of criminology and forensic science, RICPTS, which will go online in the coming months and which represents a very good example of fruitful collaboration between a university and a local publishing house in order to extend the accessibility, visibility and impact of an academic journal.
Let's not forget the Green road, which allows the sharing of publications in a delayed way but without additional costs, as well as ensuring the long-term archiving of the knowledge generated at UNIL. The support for the Green road at UNIL is based on its institutional server, Serval, which has seen more than 2.7 million downloads in 2021. A new major project is now underway involving Serval, which is currently the subject of a large-scale migration project, in which all faculties are participating, which will ensure the continuity of its service and move towards modern technical solutions maximising its visibility and interoperability.
The final and essential element of this strategy is the tools and support offered both within the Research Department and to the faculties. Papago, training courses and the invaluable support of your faculty specialists make it possible to increase the rate of Open Access year after year, and we thank you for this.
We will continue to support your publishing efforts while respecting the cultural, linguistic and disciplinary diversity that characterises UNIL!
Deadline : 1 septembre 2022
The next call for Mobi.Doc mobility funding is scheduled for September 1st 2022. This funding is aimed at all doctoral candidates registered at UNIL and CHUV (with the exception of doctoral candidates funded by Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) to carry out a 6-month research stay abroad during their thesis. The requirements and further information on this funding scheme are available on the web page.
SNSF evaluation procedure
The SNSF has updated and standardised its evaluation procedures. Numerous new features will make the selection process for the best projects and researchers even fairer and more efficient.
SNSF calls for proposals
Do not hesitate to refer to the open calls for research funding schemes and programmes proposed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
Horizon Europe (2021-2027)
Despite our current "third country" status, many opportunities are open to researchers based in Switzerland, in particular within the clusters of the second pillar (Health; Culture, Creativity and inclusive Society; Security; Digital, Industry and Space; Climate, Energy and Mobility; Food, Bioeconomy natural resources, Agriculture and Environment).
- Basic Training on EU Research, Development & Innovation Opportunities
- Training for Applicants to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowships Call 2022 (with “outgoing phase” in Switzerland)
Transitional measures: SNSF Advanced Grants 2022 et Swiss SNSF Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022
As part of the transitional measures for Horizon Europe implemented by the National Science Foundation on behalf of the SEFRI, the SNSF will launch the call for 2022 SNSF Advanced Grants on 1 August 2022. Submission deadline: 1 November 2022. The call for the 2022 Swiss SNSF Postdoctoral Fellowships will be published on 1st September with a submission deadline on 1 December 2022.
Le dossier d’information correspondant sera disponible sur le site du FNS dès la publication de l’appel à propositions. Information package will be available on the SNSF website once the call has been launched.
Other third-party funding
UNIL 4 Research
Updated information on international research funding opportunities. In autumn, a training will be offered to researchers in humanities interested in optimizing their fundraising on the UNIL 4 Research tool.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grants
Funding to encourage exploratory / developmental medical research by providing support for the early and conceptual stages of project development such as novel studies that break new ground or high-risk studies that may lead to a breakthrough in a particular area. The NIH has created a dedicated webpage listing funding opportunities specific to Coronavirus/COVID-19 related research.
Deadline : 25 August 2022
The Collaborative Research on Science and Society (CROSS) program facilitates interdisciplinary projects that address pressing societal and technological issues and that are carried out jointly by researchers at EPFL and UNIL. The topic for the 2023 call of the Collaborative Research on Science and Society (CROSS) program is: crisis. Maximal amount 60’000 CHF.
Call for projects - Virtual Exchanges
Deadline : 30 September 2022
The International Relations Office together with the Centre de Soutien à l'Enseigment (CSE) jointly launch a new call for projects aiming to develop virtual exchanges, or Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). Up to 10 projects can be funded.
Call for Swiss-French projects
Deadline : 15 Septembre 2022
The network « Alliance Campus Rhodanien» (ACR) brings together the following universities: Geneva, Grenoble Alpes, Lausanne, Lyon, and Savoie Mont Blanc and HES-SO. It aims to intensify research collaboration in the region and to encourage the participation in European funding programmes.
The 2022 call for projects aims to strengthen collaboration between universities from both countries. Maximum funding : 15,000 EUR.
Support for applications to Foundations
The Vice-Rector Anne-Christine Fornage and her adjoint Inès Burrus (External Relations and Scientific Communication Department / RECS) will be your contacts for any questions concerning philanthropic financing, mainly through foundations, private funds and/or companies. The RECS department will present the parts of the 22-26 Plan of Intentions dedicated to philanthropy at a later date.
New Data Stewards
Since April 1st, the FTSR and SSP Faculties have recruited two new Data Stewards:
The Data Stewards are people in charge of supporting researchers in the management of research data, such as awareness of funders requirements and good management practices; assistance with writing the Data Management Plan (DMP) in DMPonline UNIL and reviewing it ; advice on the choice of institutional infrastructures provided by the DCSR; assistance with data opening, sharing and long term archiving in repositories.
Coordinated by the UNIRIS Service, the network of "Data Stewards" will soon be enriched by new persons for the HEC, FBM, FDCA, FGSE and Lettres Faculties.
This interactive online tool for writing a Data Management Plan (DMP) allows researchers to write a plan in a collaborative way and to request a review, directly via the application, by UNIL services specialized in data management.
Two new DMP templates integrating specific resources and recommendations for SNSF funding applications are now available for UNIL and CHUV researchers of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine
- FBM UNIL DMP template for SNSF funding
- FBM CHUV DMP template for SNSF funding
When creating your account, please follow the help page to access and benefit from our support when using the DMPonline tool.
If you need additional personalized help or training to write your DMP, please contact the team at researchdata@unil.ch who will redirect you to the appropriate people.
EQUAP2 - Evaluating the Quality Assurance Process in Scholarly Publishing
Submitting, publishing, and reviewing in peer-reviewed journals is part of your everyday professional life. In view of the recent transformations in the academic publishing landscape, processes and criteria of quality assurance provided by known and upcoming publishing houses are once more under scrutiny. Universities and libraries have received reports ranging from exemplary review processes to suspicions of the prioritization of commercial interests.
However, compliance with quality assurance processes by publishers and journals is an important criterion for acquisition decisions and funding for Open Access by Universities and libraries. This becomes apparent, for example, in the ongoing discussion surrounding the Swiss National Strategy and Implementation Plan for Open Access.
To better understand the experiences of researchers and their evaluation of the situation going beyond individual cases, UNIL, in collaboration with several German and Swiss institutions of high education, has created an online survey. The questionnaire is available in German and English. We would like to invite you to take 15 minutes to tell us about your own experiences as an editor, reviewer or author.
The survey is anonymous, there is no possibility to draw any conclusions about you from the information you provide.
SNSF joins cOAlition S
The SNSF has decided to join cOAlition S, the world's largest initiative of research funding bodies for Open Access.
As a member of this coalition, the SNSF will implement Plan S. This means that researchers will have to make their articles immediately available free of charge, and no longer with a six-month embargo period as was previously the case. This OA obligation can also be fulfilled by self-archiving the manuscript. For books and book chapters, an embargo of twelve months is still allowed.
In addition, the SNSF plans to define a CC-BY licence as a standard for articles, which protects the interests of scientists as authors of their work while allowing wider use.
The new OA rules will enter into force on 1 January 2023 at the earliest.
Papago turns 3!
Papago, your personal assistant and faithful companion in your Open Access endeavors, celebrates its 3rd anniversary on June 19th!
During these first 3 years, Papago has generated more than 2100 personalized reports and this only in the UNIL instance. Fourteen other Swiss institutions have also created their instances and Papago is therefore working in them, providing advice to Swiss researchers in four languages all the time.
The project was created in collaboration with UNIL and the University and Cantonal Library of Fribourg and has been improved to include Read & Publish agreements and will be updated when the new SNSF OA guidelines come into force.
Video introduction to the ethical issues of data archiving
An introductory video on the ethical issues of archiving qualitative data, by Pablo Diaz (co-director of the CER-UNIL), has been published in the SAGE Research Ethics and Integrity series. It is available on the publisher's website.
UNIL signs a license with NIRLAB Forensics Sàrl
Developed by a PhD student in criminal sciences, the NIRLAB rapid and portable drug analysis solution is now on its way to commercialization. A license agreement has just been finalized between the University of Lausanne and its spin-off.
New treatment perspective for bladder cancer
The signing of an exclusive license agreement between CHUV and Prokarium, negotiated by PACTT, allows the development of a new treatment discovered by the Department of Urology.
"Sulfiscon" awarded innosuisse financing for its breakthrough treatment of osteoarthritis
PACTT is proud to announce that Sulfiscon SA, a CHUV’s spin-off, led by Dr. Alexander So, has received an Innosuisse financing to further develop its innovative technology for the treatment of osteoarthritis, the most common degenerative disorder of the joints that affects more than half of the elderly population worldwide.
AgroSustain, a spin-off at UNIL, annonces first official product launch
AgroSustain reached a key commercial milestone with the launch on the Swiss market of its first official industrialized product – AgroSFruits. Focusing on exotic fruits as a first step, the foodtech intends to expand to the treatment of local fruits. A second product to protect vegetables is in the pipeline.
Free Graduate Campus workshops for UNIL doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows
The Graduate Campus offers a number workshops free of charge for doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows registered at UNIL and CHUV, in order to acquire tools for a good start of your thesis and to prepare for the defence, to enhance your knowledge and broaden your research opportunities, to get advice to help you clarify your next career steps or to take up current challenges.
The portrait - Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Politiques
Ellina Mourtazina is a research consultant and data steward since April 2022 at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Her task is to advise researchers, at their request, in the preparation of funding applications (information on regulations and guidelines, guidance, proofreading), including formal aspects of the application (budget calculations, types of positions, material requests, etc.). As a data steward, she is now also involved in data management issues, in particular by helping with the reflection and preparation of the Data Management Plan. In order to enhance the value of the research produced within SSP and to strengthen the link between researchers from different institutes, disciplinary and thematic backgrounds and academic ages, she participates in the editorial work of the eSSPace Research Newsletter and in the co-organisation of the Research Day. It also informs researchers about the various funding possibilities via the call for projects tool. In addition to the well-known funding channels, such as those offered by the SNSF or the EU Programmes, there are many other sources that regularly offer financial support. She provides workshops and information sessions on various applications and data management to meet the growing needs in this area.
Holder of a PhD in Tourism Studies from the University of Lausanne, during her doctoral years Ellina Mourtazina was very much involved in institutional and scientific life and participated in various committees, councils and research groups.
Research consultants at UNIL
Have you heard?
Demistifying research
" Can I publish my book in Open Access with the financial support of the SNSF even if I am not a grant recipient? "
Yes, you can! However, when applicants apply for a book that is not the result of an SNSF-supported research project, they must meet the general requirements for submitting an application to the SNSF in accordance with Article 10 of the Subsidy Regulations.