A foreword from the Vice-Rector
Farewell and all the best!
As I come to the end of my term and beyond the uncertainties linked to the current European political situation and the pandemic, it seems to me that the most significant development in our research activities at UNIL over the past five years has been the digitisation of research. While open access to digital scientific literature was already a well-established principle in 2016, UNIL was the first Swiss university to define an Open Science strategy and action plan in 2019. This commitment will have a profound impact on the way we generate and manage our research data in the years to come, from the drafting of a data management plan to its eventual archiving, through modelling, the processing of large volumes of data, its storage, curation, potential protection, the ethics of its (re)use, etc. The departments concerned at UNIL are working every day to prepare and support this major transition, which is regularly reported in this newsletter. There is no doubt that the future research support Centre will play a decisive coordinating role.
In this highly evolving and exciting context, I wish my successor Estelle Doudet every success and great satisfaction as she takes over the reins of the research department on 1 August.
I wish you all a great summer and all the best for the future!
Deadline: 1 September 2021
The next call for Mobi.Doc mobility funding is scheduled for September 1st 2021. This funding is aimed at all doctoral candidates registered at UNIL and CHUV (with the exception of doctoral candidates funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)) to carry out a 6-month research stay abroad during their thesis.
Deadline: 1 September 2021
CLIMACT opens its first call for proposals dedicated to foster interdisciplinary and interinstitutional research, and implementation activities that address the social, scientific and technological challenges associated with the transition to a sustainable future. The purpose of the call is to support new seed research endeavors with the potential to grow into full-scale interdisciplinary research projects. This fund is thus designed to foster novel collaborative research efforts, which will explore new ideas, solutions and communication methods in order to maximise societal impact.
Extension of fixed-term contracts - force majeure
Article 24 of the current Regulations on assistants at the University of Lausanne (RA-UL) lists the possible reasons for exceptional extensions of contracts for assistants, including maternity leave, adoption leave, and prolonged absence due to illness or accident. Force majeure is also provided for as a possible reason for contract extension, but is not characterised.
The Rectorate decided to clarify the terms of application of this notion of "force majeure" after considering the context of semi-confinement, which has hampered many young researchers in the conduct of their work. Researchers with a fixed-term contract will now be able to invoke an impediment to the conduct of their research work in various cases of force majeure, with a view to obtaining a contractual extension at the end of their contract.
Reduced teaching load for MA and PAST
Deadline: 31 October 2021
This measure allows you to alleviate your teaching duties in order to have more time for preparing and submitting grant proposals.
The SNSF website gets a makeover!
The SNSF has a new website! It shows the new corporate design of the SNSF and the necessary technical adjustments.
SNSF calls for proposals
Do not hesitate to refer to the open calls for research funding schemes and programmes proposed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Following the unilateral withdrawal of the Federal Council on May 26 from negotiations for an institutional agreement regulating relations with the EU in the field of market access, the EC decided on June 17 to downgrade Switzerland to a “third country” status in Horizon Europe (HE) (List of Participating Countries in Horizon Europe).
Concretely, it is not possible to participate in the mono-beneficiary measures of Horizon Europe with a host institution located in Switzerland, in particular the 2021 ERC Advanced Grant & Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships. Alternative programmes should be set up by the SEFRI with the support of the SNSF.
It is still possible to participate in Horizon Europe collaborative projects as long as the consortium includes at least 3 partners from an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe associated country in addition to the CH institution. Partners based in Switzerland will be funded by SEFRI.
For the latest information, please refer to the Euresearch and SERI websites.
UNIL 4 Research
UNIL 4 Research is a database that provides up-to-date information on international research funding opportunities.
Call for CROSS Projects
Through an annual call, CROSS provides competitive grants to support new seed research endeavors that have the potential to grow into full-scale interdisciplinary research projects. The theme for the 2022 Call for CROSS Projects is RESPONSIBLE INNOVATION. Up to six grants of a maximum of CHF 60,000 per project will be distributed. CROSS welcomes proposals of interdisciplinary research projects dealing with responsible innovation. Proposals must come from joint UNIL-EPFL teams, which bring together specialists in the human and social sciences on the one hand, with specialists from life sciences, natural sciences or engineering on the other.
Foundation for the University of Lausanne
Next deadline for projects over 3000CHF: 1 October 2021
Bourse Branco Weiss
Branco Weiss Fellowship offers an opportunity for postdocs in all areas of the natural and social sciences and engineering who have conceived an original and independent research idea that falls outside the scope of large-scale research projects.
They will receive support (own salary, for staff, for equipment or for a combination of these) for up to five years. Application open from October 2021 to January 15th 2022
UNIL-ULB Call for projects
For the fourth time since 2017, UNIL and the Université libre de Bruxelles are launching a call aiming to support collaborative projects in research or teaching through seed money funding. Selected projects will be funded to a maximum of 10,0000 euros. The full text of the call is available here and the projects are to be submitted via the following link. Submission deadline : 6 September 2021.
Call for virtual exchanges/ COIL
The UNIL International Relations Office (IRO) and the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CSE) are joining forces to launch a joint call for projects aimed at the development of virtual exchanges, also called Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). The aim of the call is to support COIL course projects that can start in spring or fall semesters 2022. The aim is not to create new courses, but to modify the format of certain existing courses by offering them in the form of virtual exchange / COIL between two or more universities. It is planned to fund a maximum of ten projects up to CHF 10,000 each. Projects can be submitted until September 30, 2021, online via the Optimy platform.
Leading House Asia: Call for Research Partnership Grants 2021
The Leading House Asia coordinated by ETH Zürich has launched the Call for Research Partnership Grants 2021. The Research Partnership Grants support research projects with collaborating institutions in China (incl. Hong Kong and Taiwan), Japan, South Korea and ASEAN member states, which have to be based on an existing partnership. Funding: max. 25,000 CHF Deadline: 30 September 2021 Project Duration: max. 12 months. Full information here.
Swiss National Open Research Data Strategy
Research Data Storage
Developed by ccdigitallaw.ch – Competence Center in Digital Law – DMLawTool guides researchers through the most relevant legal aspects of research data management and proposes possible solution approaches to copyright and data protection issues. On 31 May, a presentation of the tool was co-organised in partnership with the Faculty of Arts. Faculties interested in a similar presentation can contact the team researchdata@unil.ch for further information.
DMPonline UNIL - Tool to assist in the online drafting of Data Management Plans
The DMPonline UNIL tool is now available. It is accompanied by a tutorial to help you get started and use it. The general UNIL DMP model proposed in this tool is accompanied by help and examples to facilitate its drafting. The tool also allows the drafting of DMPs following the SNSF model. When a request for research data storage is addressed to the Division of Computing and Research Support (DCSR), this UNIL DMP is mandatory (Directive 4.5, Article 12). For research projects that do not use the DCSR infrastructure, writing a DMP is strongly recommended.
Enquête sur l'ouverture des données de recherche auprès des chercheur·e·s de Suisse
Gold Open Access pilot fund UNIL
As part of its strategy to promote the gold road of Open Access, the Research Department is making available to UNIL/CHUV authors a Gold Open Access pilot fund from 1 July to 31 December 2021 to support publishing along the golden path. This phase will serve as a basis for the deployment of a definitive fund as of January 2022.
This fund is complementary to our Read & Publish licenses that we have with many publishers and will provide access to Gold Open Access publishing (with journals that only publish Open Access content) to researchers without external funding sources.
More information on the eligibility criteria and application procedure for this pilot phase is available on the UNIL Open Science website.
Read & Publish licenses: an update
In addition to the UNIL Gold Open Access pilot fund, UNIL/CHUV corresponding authors can publish in Open Access at no cost in a large number of Gold and Hybrid OA journals with Annual Reviews, Cambridge University Press, Cogitatio, Elsevier, Karger, SAGE, Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis and Wiley.
Please note! Some of these licenses have an annual national quota (Elsevier, Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis and Wiley). Once these quotas are reached, the institution will no longer cover the APC costs. This is the case for the Taylor & Francis licence where the quota has already been reached for the year 2021.
If you find yourself in this situation and you have published in a hybrid journal, we recommend that you follow the Green road (self-archiving in Serval).
The future Serval
Serval is a fundamental showcase of research at UNIL, allowing both to increase the visibility of its researchers and to preserve its scientific heritage. Indeed, Serval has seen more than 2.3 million downloads in 2020. In addition, the national Open Access strategy (Green Lane), Directive 4.6, as well as a number of researcher evaluation procedures, rely heavily on its proper functioning.
Therefore, in order to preserve UNIL's scientific heritage and to meet the international, national and institutional requirements for Open Access and research evaluation, it is essential to guarantee the security and stability of the tool. The "Serval X" project was therefore born, which will aim to change its technological base as well as to continue to modernise it and adapt it to the needs of researchers in order to extend their membership.
Much work has been done in recent years in this direction, and we would like to hear from our research community about the features you currently value and those you would like to see in the future Serval. Please send us your ideas and proposals by filling in this short form. Thank you for your input!
A Lausanne-based startup whose technology is based on research developed at the CHUV's Experimental Cardiology Unit has received significant funding
The Lausanne-based startup Haya Therapeutics has just received $18 million to continue its work on cardiac fibrosis, an extremely deleterious condition that impairs heart function. As a result of research conducted in the Experimental Cardiology Unit, led by Prof. Thierry Pedrazzini, also a co-founder of the company, a fundamental mechanism for the development of cardiac fibrosis has been identified.
These discoveries have paved the way for an innovative treatment to fight this pathology for which no drug is currently available. The Lausanne-based company, based on the Biopôle campus, obtained a license on "UNIL-CHUV" patents filed by PACTT, the technology transfer office of the two Lausanne institutions. The support of PACTT has been decisive in this translational development.
The startup, led by Dr. Samir Ounzain, a former collaborator of the Experimental Cardiology Unit, develops drugs that target long non-coding RNAs. The non-coding part of the genome is of growing research interest. Haya Therapeutics is therefore emerging in the promising field of RNA-targeted therapies. With this funding, the startup can now move into the important phases of drug development, which should allow for a transition to the clinic within three to five years.
InnoTREK: a financial support to create your start-up
Deadline: 25 September 2021
You are a UNIL-CHUV researcher who would like to create a start-up and need a financial support to start? Apply for a one-year grant of CHF 100’000.- to launch your UNIL-CHUV spin-off !
Self-paced Moodle Course "Research in the age of Open Access" now available in English
This course presents in five short modules all the knowledge needed to publish in Open Access and can be completed at your own pace. Don't hesitate to register!
Free Graduate Campus workshops for UNIL doctoral and post-doctoral students
The Graduate Campus offers a number of workshops free of charge for doctoral candidates and postdocs enrolled at UNIL in order to get started and complete with more confidence your thesis, to enhance your knowledge and broaden your research opportunities, to receive advice to help you clarify your career goals or to help you get through current challenges.
Portrait - Faculty of Business and Economics
As the coordinator of the Quality and Research Office of the HEC Faculty for the past year, my activities are very varied and structured in two axes. On the research side, my service represents the contact point for the Faculty's researchers as well as for the central services. I ensure the flow of information within the Faculty through a bimonthly newsletter and manage the 'research' section of the Faculty's website. I provide information to researchers on various research-related issues, such as regulations, institutional and national policies, funding opportunities, infrastructure, services, training and tools. I also provide support for Serval, welcome new professors, and organise the HEC Research Fund, which supports about 15 junior researchers' projects each year.
In terms of quality-related activities, I am responsible for the Faculty's participation in international rankings, as well as for quality certification in the framework of three different international accreditations, which are fundamental for the business school field. Finally, I regularly develop projects to improve the tools, procedures and services offered in these two areas.
I came to Lausanne from Ticino 11 years ago to study at the university and immediately fell in love with UNIL and the region. With a Bachelor SSP (Social Sciences with a minor in FTSR), then a Master FDCA (IDHEAP), I then joined the HEC Faculty after my studies. Within the latter, I worked for three departments before assuming my current role. This allowed me to discover how each department lives in its own stakeholder environment and is a micro-ecosystem in its own right - which I find very fascinating. I was able to develop a very transversal knowledge of my Faculty as well as of the central administration, having worked with several of its services, which is one of my (too) many interests: the functioning of organisations, in addition to the evolution of social practices and representations from the point of view of the common good, sci-fi films, crossover music, do-it-yourself, etc.
Research consultants at UNIL
Have you heard?
Demystifying research
The SNSF only funds joint projects between several research groups if they are interdisciplinary and pioneering in nature.
This condition applies only to the Sinergia programme, not to project funding and other funding instruments. The SNSF encourages scientists to work together in research groups. Collaborative projects can obtain higher financial support. Some instruments even allow for joint projects with research groups abroad.