Abstract submission

In order to submit your abstract, please fill in the form here

We invite abstracts covering topics of incretin research :

  • physiology/pathophysiology of obesity and type 2 diabetes
  • therapeutic potential of incretin hormones
  • incretin-based medications
  • etc.
Abstract deadline

Abstract submission is open until June 30th, 2022

Abstract guidelines

Abstracts should be brief (up to 2000 characters including spaces, equivalent to approximately 300 words). Please list all authors (last names, initials) and institutions, start with an introduction leading to the question of the research project. Then present details on experimental conditions (methods) and on cells, animals, or human subjects studied. Describe results with mentioning significances of differences and discuss and interpret them, leading to a conclusion.


We invite scientists from accademia, hospitals and industries working in the field of incretin research as well as those involved in the development of incretin-derived medications to actively participate in our meeting by submitting an abstract. Encore abstracts are welcome, as long as the reported findings represent the state-of-the-art of incretin research. We particularly want to present a chance for young scientists (doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, etc.) to present and discuss their work to this specialized audience with a high level of expertise in the field of incretin research.


Abstracts will be selected by members of the European Incretin Study Group Steering Committee and will either be presented as 10 min oral communications (with 5 min for discussion) or as posters. Presenters of accepted abstracts will be notified no later than 1st September 2022 and are entitled to stay for 2 nights in nearby hotels during the meeting, paid for by the meeting budget.


There will be awards presented to the best three oral presentations and best three posters (a certificate of appreciation and 500 € each)