Hands on Open Access
mai 22 @ 13:30 – 16:00
Why is there so much talk about Open Access these days? How can I publish my scientific results in Open Access? Do I really have to? Who should I contact at UNIL if I need help with Open Access? The SNSF, the EC and Switzerland’s national Open Access strategy now require all publicly-funded research results to be published in Open Access mode. Are you up to the challenge?
This hands-on workshop will show you what Open Access is and the different Open Access mandates of the major funding agencies. We’ll guide you through the different ways of publishing in Open Access, taking into account your rights and obligations regarding Open Access as a UNIL researcher. We’ll show you the resources available to help you publish in Open Access, and how to disseminate your latest Open Access publication in practice.
LIEU :Présentiel UNIL – Amphipôle 353.3
Speaker: Dr Micaela Crespo, Deputy Head of Research services and Head of Open Access UNIL