CfP: At the Crossroads of Fields. Defining Fields’ Boundaries Through their Intersections

ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux, September 4-7 2013

Political sociology section

Panel 3: At the Crossroads of Fields. Defining Fields’ Boundaries Through their Intersections

Chaired by Elise Roullaud and Viviane Albenga, Université Lyon II

One of the main interests of Bourdieu’s field concept is to analyze autonomous and differentiated spaces which detain their own logics, values and norms. What happens when we aim at studying the exchanges, connections and circulations between different fields? This problem raises a series of questions. To what extend does the field concept enable an empirical study of spaces situated at the intersection of various fields? Reciprocally, how do these spaces inform us about the definition of fields’ boundaries? We want to insist here on the sociological instruments which help to understand what definitions are at stake at the crossroads of various fields. With this end in view, papers based on empirical researches and methodological reflection will be privileged in the selection process.

1) How to comprehend the fields’ boundaries?

What is the process to define field’s boundaries? This problem focuses on the actors and their resources to maintain, to reinforce and to try to challenge the field’s boundaries. To what extend the analysis of hybrid or heteronomous spaces helps to comprehend the elaboration of fields’ boundaries. We will pay attention to the cases of successful or failed challenges of field frontiers, but also to the cases of reinforcement.

2) How can we follow the circulation of actors, ideas and resources from one field to another?

What kind of sociological instruments can be used to follow this circulation? Indeed, researchers face a main difficulty: how to describe the very circulation and not only the consequences of this circulation.

3) What are the brokers’ roles?

Which kinds of resources enable some actors to become brokers between two fields? This question aims at bringing into light the specific trajectories of these brokers.

Submit papers here

Deadline February 1st