The externally accessible HORUS CHUV dataset catalog is the product of a close collaboration of the DSBU with the CHUV IT Department (DSI-CHUV). Developed and managed by the DSI-CHUV, this catalog focuses on showcasing metadata (documentation) that describes the content of sensitive clinical datasets generated at CHUV, which cannot be shared due to legal restrictions.
Sensitive CHUV datasets are secured with controlled access through the Datasets Catalog Horus. The CHUV catalog-Zenodo transfer ensures interoperability, where FAIR metadata is automatically transmitted and made publicly accessible via the FBM-Zenodo community.
Process Overview:
- Users upload their datasets and complete the required metadata fields (dataset information).
- A datasteward (curator) from the DSBU reviews the metadata to confirm that the dataset has been correctly deposited.
- Once verified, the curator approves the dataset for final submission.