MOOC Healthy Urban Systems (HUS) Project for an online course gathering all worldwide institutions


The MOOC Healthy Urban Systems is an action gathering numerous researchers and practitioners acting in the main worldwide institutions on Urban Heath:
– the International Science Council program on Urban Health and Wellbeing (UHWB) and the Institute of Urban Environment (IUE)
– the Chinese Academy of Science in Xiamen, China
– the International Society for Urban Health (ISUH)
– the HUE (Healthy Urban Environments) Collaboratory.
– the World Health Organization (WHO), Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health (HQ/ECH)

It is coordinated and produced by UNIL (IGD-FGSE, E-learning service, Foundation of the life-long training UNIL-EPFL)

2020: The first planned symposium was organized online

from 2nd to 4th of September 2020

It permitted to:
– Consolidate the 6 modules and designate one coordinator by module
– Specify the role of WHO
– Define 6 Main messages
– Discuss the Pedagogic tools
– Consolidate the institutional framework

2020-2021: The structure of modules was built and coordinated

6 modules’ coordinators:
MODULE 1: Ibtihal El-Bastawissi, Beirut Arab University, Dean Architecture Faculty, Lebanon
MODULE 2: Céline Rozenblat, UNIL, Lausanne, Switzerland
MODULE 3: Saroj Jayasinghe, Consultant Physician, Colombo, Sri Lanka
MODULE 4: Gabriele Harrer-Puchner, CEO System Logics T.T. St. Gallen, Switzerland, Expert System Modeling & Tools, Technical University Munich, DE
MODULE 5: Marianna Cavada, Lecturer in Urban Design Policy, at Lancaster University
Scenario building for the smart agenda, United Kingdom
MODULE 6: Stephane Luyet, Researcher ASSURA insurance, Lausanne, Switzerland

The coordination group in UNIL

November 2021

WHO and ISUH offer their collaboration, materials, and links with their actions, guidelines…. in every module

6 Main messages, leitmotiv all along the MOOC

1. Health is the pulse of the new urban agenda/Health must be included in all policies

2. Urban health must be approached as a complex system comprising multiple interacting dimensions (natural, social, psychological) and scales

3. It must be apprehended in a dynamic way & role of history

4. With a science-society strong collaboration/participation

5. Strategies for disease prevention

6. Encourage place-based policies in a multi-scale perspective

Targeted audience

=> Practitioners: Urban planners (transport, housing), health development professionals, government officials, insurances, industrial/social clusters
=> life-long learners / Initial training for post-graduates

2022: Shooting, building

2023: online production

The MOOC will be available on COURSERA – It will be free of charge

For credits, agreements are in discussion