Liping Wang

Office 3239, Géopolis Building

Liping Wang is a visiting PhD student from Peking University located in Beijing. She is interested in climate dynamics and teleconnections.

Her work focuses on the Tibetan Plateau’s role in the global climate through a coupled ocean-atmosphere model. Now, she is working on the Tibetan Plateau’s impact on stratosphere-ocean teleconnections on decadal timescales.

Schematic diagram showing the impact of the Tibetan Plateau on Arctic and Antarctic. The red and blue circles represent low and high pressure anomalies, respectively.


Wang, L., & Yang, H. Tibetan Plateau increases snowfall in Southern China. (in review in Scientific Reports)

Wang, L., Yang, H., Wen, Q., Liu, Y., & Wu, G. (2022). The Tibetan Plateau’s Far-Reaching Impacts on Arctic and Antarctic Climate: Seasonality and Pathways. Journal of Climate, 36(5), 1399-1414.