Wolfgang Wicker

Contact: wolfgang.wicker@unil.ch
Office 3239, GĂ©opolis Building

Wolfgang Wicker is a PhD Student interested in extratropical dynamics. He works on tropospheric and stratospheric mechanisms for extreme weather events at the earth surface such as heat waves in summer and cold spells in winter.

Northward wind (in m.s-1) at the height of the 200 hPa surface for July 25 – August 07, 2018 from the ERA5 dataset.


Wicker, W., Polichtchouk, I. & Domeisen, D.I.V. (2023) Increased vertical resolution in the stratosphere reveals role of gravity waves after sudden stratospheric warmings. Weather Clim Dynam, 4: 81-93. doi.org/10.5194/wcd-4-81-2023.

Wicker, W., Greatbatch, R.J. & Claus, M. (2022) Sensitivity of a simple atmospheric model to changing surface friction with implications for seasonal prediction. Q J R Meteorol Soc, 148:199-213. doi.org/10.1002/qj.4200