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- Shrestha, Y. R. & He, V. F. (2025). Integrating multimodal data and machine learning for entrepreneurship research. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (conditionally accepted*)
- Feuerriegel, S., Shrestha, Y. R. & von Krogh, G. (2025). A new machine learning approach answers “what if” questions. MIT Sloan Management Review
- Choudhary, V., Marchetti, A., Shrestha, Y.R., Puranam, P. (2025) Human-AI Ensembles: When Can They Work? Journal of Management paper video abstract
- Herath Pathirannehelage, S., Shrestha, Y. R., von Krogh, G. (2024). Design principles for artificial intelligence-augmented decision making: An action design research study. accepted at European Journal of Information Systems,
- Krishna, V., Shrestha, Y. R., & von Krogh, G. (2024). The Double-Edged Sword of Inflated Help: Unravelling the Crowding Out Phenomenon in Community Question-Answering Platforms, Plos ONE paper
- Tinguely, P., Shrestha, Y. R., (2023) NFT-Enabled Organization Design: Prospects, Promises and Hurdles Journal of Organization Design paper
- Shrestha, Y. R., von Krogh, G., Feuerriegel, S. (2023) Building Open-Source AI Nature Computational Science paper
- Park, C. H., von Krogh, G., Meboldt, M., Stadtfeld, C., Shrestha, Y. R. (2023) Healthcare hackathons as open innovation. Nature Reviews Bioengineering paper
- Feuerriegel, S., Shrestha, Y.R., von Krogh, G., & Zhang, C. (2022) Bringing artificial intelligence to business management. Nature Machine Intelligence 4, 611–613 paper
- Arrieta, J. P., & Shrestha, Y. R. (2022). On the strategic value of equifinal choice. Journal of Organization Design, 1-9. paper
- Shrestha, Y. R., Krishna, V. and von Krogh, G., (2021) Augmenting Organizational Decision-Making with Deep Learning Algorithms: Principles, Promises, and Challenges. Journal of Business Research, 123, 588- 603 paper
- Tinguely, P., Shrestha, Y. R. and von Krogh, G. (2020) How Does Your Labor Force React to COVID-19? Employing Social Media Analytics for Preemptive Decision Making. California Management Review Insights paper
- Shrestha, Y. R., He, V. F., Puranam, P. and von Krogh, G., (2021) Algorithm Supported Induction for Building Theory: How Can We Use Prediction Models to Theorize? Organization Science 32 (3) 856-880 paper
- He. F., Puranam P., Shrestha Y. R., & von Krogh, G. (2020) Resolving governance disputes in communities: A study of license decisions in OSS projects. Strategic Management Journal, 41(10), 1837–1868. paper
- Shrestha, Y. R., Ben-Menahem, S., & von Krogh, G (2019). Organizational Decision-Making Structures in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. California Management Review. paper
- Yang, Y., Shrestha, Y. R., & Guo, J. (2019). On the complexity of bribery with distance restrictions. Theoretical Computer Science, 760, 55-71. paper
- Yang, Y., Shrestha, Y. R., Li, W., & Guo, J. (2018). On the kernelization of split graph problems. Theoretical Computer Science, 734, 72-82. paper
- Guo, J., & Shrestha, Y. R. (2014). Complexity of Disjoint Π-Vertex Deletion for Disconnected Forbidden Subgraphs. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 18(4), 603–631 paper