Dear all,
We would like to invite you to DESI seminar by Prof. Ivo Blohm (HSG)
When & Where: 10 Jan 2024 (Wed) @ 11:00-12:00 [Internef 237]
Title: Hybrid Creativity: How Artificial Intelligence can Defy or Reinforce Human Creative Performance
Creativity is a crucial factor in developing innovation and prosperity. While creativity is originally a trait attributed to humans, novel technological affordances in (generative) artificial intelligence have questioned this notion. These advances have paved the way for approaches of hybrid creativity, in which humans and machines interact in novel ways that can improve joint creative performance. However, this novel class of creativity interventions might not only help overcome human biases in creativity (e.g., cognitive fixation) but might also be harmful to individual creative performance (e.g. crowding out motivation). By combining the design of novel approaches to hybrid creativity and behavioral research, we strive to identify how AI can support human creativity throughout the phases of idea generation, idea development, and idea evaluation.
Ivo Blohm (ivo.blohm@unisg.ch) is an Associate Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics and a Director at the University of St. Gallen’s Institute of Information Management where he leads various publicly and industry-funded projects. Ivo researches how organizations can leverage business analytics, data science, and AI with (crowdsourced) data from digital platforms in order to improve decision-making, collaboration, and innovation. He received a doctorate in information systems research from Technische Universität München. His research has been published in leading journals such as Harvard Business Review, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, or Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.