
Registration will open in April 2025.

Registration before June 30, 2025

SNE studentNon-SNE Student*SNE ResearcherNon-SNE researcher*Gala Dinner Accompanist

Registration from July 1, 2025

SNE studentNon-SNE Student*SNE ResearcherNon-SNE researcher*Gala Dinner Companion

This price includes: access to all conference sessions and lectures, coffee breaks and lunches, and the gala dinner.

– Registration is compulsory to attend the conference.

– PhD students, post-docs and research engineers and technical staff are invited to register as SNE Students.

– Participation in one of the activities and in the gala dinner must be indicated at the time of registration.

– A password will be sent to you upon registration to access the abstract submission page for oral and poster communications.

*Become a member of the SNE

The membership fee is €50 for researchers and tenure-track professors, and €35 for students, postdoctoral researchers, and others.

Membership in the SNE guarantees:

  • Preferential admission fees for conferences organized by the SNE and the International Federation of Neuroendocrinology.
  • A substantial network of scientists (a large number of members recognized for their expertise in neuroendocrinology at the national and international levels), encouraging fruitful collaborations and knowledge exchange through exchange grants between laboratories.
  • A help for young researchers, PhD students, and postdoctoral researchers, at national and international conferences through travel grants.
  • Recognition of the work of young researchers, PhD students, and postdoctoral researchers through thesis awards and SNE awards.
  • Travel grants for presenting at a recruitment competition or a job interview.

More information available here.

Les nouvelles adhésions sont à envoyer par email au Trésorier Général (