Status: Read-only version (beta) in production
Serval X is the first project in the IRIS program. Its aim is to migrate UNIL's publications to the new information system, and it represents the foundation on which the other entities will be grafted in the future.
The SERveur Académique Lausannois (Serval) contains digital collections, the main one being the institutional repository of the University of Lausanne and the CHUV. Publications by researchers from these two institutions are preserved here, and some are available in open access.
In order to preserve UNIL's scientific heritage and meet international, national and institutional Open Access requirements, it is essential to guarantee the security and stability of the tool. However, for several years now, the publisher of the technology base used for Serval has ceased all activity on the version we use. As a result, this product no longer benefits from support, updates, upgrades or patches.
That was the spark that ignited the IRIS program!
Key figures
Migrating Serval is a big job! Here are a few figures to give you an idea:
- Nearly 200,000 records migrated
- More than 50,000 documents migrated
- The needs of 7 faculties to be reconciled with technical constraints (thanks to CCIRIS!)
Production strategy
IRIS will go into production in stages from 2024.
The first production release of the IRIS Beta version took place in July 2024 and is read-only. Publications will continue to be entered in Serval, and data will be synchronized during this Beta period.
IRIS beta is available at iris.unil.ch.
The other essential functions for deactivating Serval will be implemented at a later date and gradually integrated into IRIS Beta.
After an edition test period, IRIS will go into production and Serval will be deactivated.