A foreword from the Vice-Rector
A national centre of competence in research on microbiomes at UNIL
Congratulations are in order for our colleague Jan van der Meer from the Department of Fundamental Microbiology, whose ambitious NCCR "Microbiomes" project was funded, along with five others, by the SEFRI for an initial four-year period, potentially extendable to twelve years. BRAVO! We are all the more proud of this rare achievement as the competition was fierce with more than 50 projects initially submitted by Swiss universities. Among the many highlights of "Microbiomes" are the shared leadership with Prof. Julia Vorholt of the ETHZ, the complementarity between fundamental research and engineering, the topical cross-disciplinary subject that spans the fields of health, plant and animal biology and the environment, as well as its strong potential in bioinformatics, in accordance with the theme of digital technology promulgated by the SEFRI for this fifth series of NCCRs. "Microbiomes" will thus mobilize a dozen research groups in Lausanne between UNIL, CHUV and EPFL and will lead to the creation of a dedicated interdisciplinary research centre. The Rectorate is delighted with this outlook, which will surely prove to be highly structuring for our institution, as was the case with LIVES, the first NCCR obtained by UNIL in 2010, and its interdisciplinary centre of life course research.
Reduced teaching load for MA and PAST
This funding scheme allows you to lighten your teaching load over one semester in order to devote yourself to preparing funding applications for your research projects.
Mobility and Doc.CH scholarships from 2021 onwards
The final submission deadline for Doc.Mobility and Early Postdoc.Mobility is 1 September 2020. Thereafter, Doc.Mobility will be discontinued and the funding of mobility for doctoral students who are not funded in SNSF projects will be the responsibility of the universities. At the postdoc level, Early Postdoc.Mobility will be merged with Postdoc.Mobility in order to have a single instrument evaluated at the national level.
On 10 September 2020, the Research Commissions will carry out the selection of applications for the 1st phase for the last time. From 2021 onwards the evaluation of Doc.CH applications will take place directly at a national level.
SNSF calls for proposals
Please refer to the open calls for research funding schemes and programmes proposed by the SNSF.
SNSF instrument "SPIRIT"
The Swiss Programme for International Research by Scientific Investigation Teams (SPIRIT) promotes cross-border research based on teamwork.
JSPS International Fellowships for Research in Japan
The JSPS carries out programs for overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. he “JSPS International Fellowships for Research in Japan” consists of two programs: “Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan” for young researchers and “Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan” for mid-career and senior researchers.
AAL: a better quality of life for the elderly
As part of the AAL European funding programme, innovative marketable solutions are being developed with the help of new technologies. These solutions enable the elderly to maintain the standard of living and independence that they are used to in their own home and for as long as
Foundations hosted by and close to UNIL
Some institutions close to our academic community offer funding to students, PhD students, post-docs and advanced researchers of the University of Lausanne, in particular in the following categories: publication of books, organisation of congresses, small research projects, scientific travels, participation in congresses, scientific exchanges (in and out), organisation of congresses or equipment. Several deadlines are either in March or in April.
SNIS Award 2020
The 2020 SNIS Award aims to reward and recognize the best Ph.D. thesis in the field of International Studies received from a Swiss University. The prize of this prestigious award is that of CHF 10,000.
Call for Proposals: Research and innovation for sustainable development
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation is looking for promising research and innovation initiatives, which engage researchers from Switzerland and from the Global South and East and implementation partners from other sectors (government, civil society, private sector).
EMBRAPII and Innosuisse collaborate to support international innovation projects
The Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial (EMBRAPII) and Innosuisse work together to support international innovation projects implemented by partners from Brazil and Switzerland. Research institutions and companies have the opportunity to submit funding applications in regular calls for proposals. This partnership boosts knowledge and technology transfer and makes both countries more competitive.
All launch: 10 February 2020 Submission deadline for Pre-Proposals: 20 April 2020 Communication of the results: May 2020 Submission deadline for Proposals: 17 August 2020 Communication of the results: October 2020
Call for UNIL-Université Laval projects on digital challenges
As part of the privileged partnership between UNIL and Laval University, the two institutions are launching a call for projects on digital issues. The common fund of an annual amount of CAD 40'000 (CHF 30'000) will make it possible to finance four impulse credits for collaborative research projects submitted jointly by teams from UNIL and Université Laval. It aims to give rise to strategic and innovative projects on or through digital technology, with the potential to create a leverage effect for other funding.
« Germaine de Staël » funding program
The Germaine de Staël program supports collaboration between French and Swiss researchers by covering travel and accommodation costs for short missions (less than one month).
The budget allocated per project amounts to 4'500 CHF per team and per year for the Swiss team, renewable once.
New Open Science Strategy and Action Plan at UNIL
Visit our website to learn more about UNIL's new Open Science Strategy and Action Plan.
Project in progress: Development of an online Data Management Plan tool
In June 2019, the Direction adopted Directive 4.5 "Processing and Management of Research Data". Henceforth, "Any Project using the resources of the Calculation and Research Support Division of Ci must be accompanied by a formal document describing the management of the data collected, processed or generated during its various phases (Data Management Plan, hereafter: DMP)".
UNIRIS is responsible for: a) providing a model DMP; b) assisting researchers in drafting the DMP; and c) validating the submitted DMPs. In this context, it is necessary to develop a tool to produce a DMP for research data storage requests, which will be put into production in the coming months.
17 UNIL books published in Open Access in 2019 with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation
17 books written and/or edited by UNIL researchers were published in Open Access in 2019 with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation. They can be downloaded and shared freely!
OPERAS survey on SSH Scholarly Communication
OPERAS runs a survey to find out more about social sciences and humanities (SSH) scholarly communication as part of the OPERAS-P project. This consultation aims to gather a comprehensive overview of current practices, habits and issues relating to scholarly communication in SSH.
Information concerning licences with publishers for 2020
The momentum of Open Access is changing the models and licenses we enter into with (large and small) publishers:
Result of negotiations with the publishing houses Springer Nature, Wiley and Elsevier
The 2019 round of negotiations between swissuniversities and the publishing houses Elsevier, Springer-Nature and Wiley ended on 13 December. The results were published by swissuniversities on 17 December 2019. The absence of an agreement with Springer Nature could mean that our researchers will not be able to access certain content. swissuniversities provides the factsheet "How to get the article?".
New Read & Publish agreement with Karger Journals
This new license allows read access to all Karger journals and Open Access publication of articles with a UNIL corresponding author in all Karger journals (Gold and Hybrid) at no extra cost to authors.
New license with De Gruyter Journals: Green Open Access without embargo!
This new license allows the immediate deposit and sharing (without embargo) in SERVAL of the published version of the manuscript (accepted and formatted by the publisher).
A SERVAL for researchers
You've heard it before: you have taken over the reins of your records in SERVAL. The SERVAL redesign project was completed in January 2020. There will be no more modifications or developments in this version of the institutional repository. A project for the migration of SERVAL to another technological base is on the horizon and will occupy us for the next few years.
SERVAL now offers you the opportunity to generate your list of publications in the format required by the SNSF for all new funding requests in just a few clicks!
Using SERVAL pays off! The case study of IDHEAP's Cahiers et Working Papers
Depositing in and sharing from SERVAL has considerably increased the visibility of these two publications. Hard copy sales have been constant since 2014, about thirty sales per year, Cahiers and Working Papers combined. The number of downloads shows that these publications can reach a much wider audience, even for back issues and beyond Switzerland's borders.
Open Access in practice: SERVAL
What is SERVAL? What are the advantages of using it? How is SERVAL used? Who should I contact at UNIL if I need help with SERVAL?
Ateliers Open Research Data et Gestion des données
12.03.2020 - Managing your research data ;
18.03.2020 - Data Management Plan ;
13.05.2020 - Organizing your research data ;
03.06.2020 - Open Research Data.
Free Graduate Campus workshops for UNIL doctoral students and postdocs
In order to acquire tools for the successful start of your doctoral research, to enrich your knowledge and broaden your research opportunities, or to receive advice to help you clarify your career prospects.
New Moodle course "Research in the age of Open Access"
Self-paced - available at any time
This training (in French) focuses on free access to scientific publications from the researcher's perspective (Open Access, rights and obligations, SERVAL). At the end of this training (which is designed to be self-paced over four weeks) you will have a solid foundation in the field that will allow you to publish your work while respecting your Open Access obligations and maximizing the visibility of your publications in SERVAL.
Three InnoTREK grants awarded in Automn 2019
In response to the 2019 autumn call InnoTREK, three candidates have submitted their projects. They were all three chosen to benefit individually from the InnoTREK grant of CHF 100’000. This funding will be of a great help to continue developing their project and subsequently create their own start-up. More information about these projects here.
The InnoTREK spring call 2020 is about to open. Don’t miss the opportunity to apply for a CHF 100’000 grant and send your application before 28 April 2020. More details here.
I have been a research consultant at FTSR since August 1, 2019. Trained as an engineer, I then specialized in the analysis and statistical exploration of numerical data related to SHS during my PhD thesis. This gave me the opportunity to work as a researcher in several UNIL faculties (Letters, FTSR, SSP). In particular, when I was a senior SNSF researcher at the FTSR, I was able to discover the specificities of this faculty and its researchers. My objective as a research consultant is to use my knowledge of funding schemes and my technical and IT skills to advise and support FTSR researchers in identifying, developing and submitting their applications. I am at their disposal for any information on these subjects, whether it concerns types of grants, DMPs or Open Access.
Research consultants at UNIL
Have you heard?
Demystifying research
I have found the perfect employee. But I am not allowed to employ her for my SNSF-funded project because she did her doctorate more than five years ago.
You are allowed to employ people who completed their doctorate more than five years ago. Such researchers are registered as "Other employees" and cannot benefit from any of the SNSF career promotion measures. Academics who do not intend to do a doctorate as well as technical and auxiliary staff also fall into this category.