Our strategy to support research
The Service de la recherche (SR) strives to serve UNIL researchers and the many colleagues here who support them, the research support network (RSR). This network, represented in a simplified way below, is a complex ecosystem with several different actors that interact on different levels, from direct contact with researchers to the Direction.
Our budding strategy, which will be shared in due course, builds upon a series of objectives. We intend, amongst other things, to define our scope and how we will interact with the existing research support ecosystem. We also seek to develop our processes to better serve both researchers and the RSR, mainly by coordinating and improving the communication flow and collaboration withing the RSR, preparing resources and supporting the development of researcher-centered IT systems.
Some of our ambitions may take time, and I thank you for your patience in that regard. In the meantime, funding opportunities are waiting for your proposals. If you are looking for new opportunities, I can recommend Fundraiso and you can also learn about our services surrounding the SNSF transitional instruments, more information about which you find below
Lastly, I would like to wish a very warm welcome and our best wishes for success to Eliane Abou-Mansour. She has joined SR as an Adjointe de recherche and is in charge of the financial reporting of European research projects. We're very grateful to have her, given, amongst other things, her experience supporting researchers at the universities of Geneva and Fribourg.
Deadline : 1 September 2022
The next call for Mobi.Doc mobility funding is scheduled for September 1st 2022. This funding is aimed at all doctoral candidates registered at UNIL and CHUV (with the exception of doctoral candidates funded by Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) to carry out a 6-month research stay abroad during their thesis.The requirements and further information on this funding scheme are available on the web page
Reduced teaching load for MA and PAST
This measure allows you to alleviate your teaching duties in order to have more time for preparing and submitting grant proposals.
Base de données de financements individuels pour doctorants·e·s
ACIDUL, in collaboration with the Research Service and the Graduate Campus, is building a database of individual private funding (https://wp.unil.ch/acidul/) for PhD students and Post-Docs. The aim is to list as many scholarships, awards, and private funding opportunities as possible that have been applied for over the past five years. Even if the application was not successful, please contribute to this collective effort by answering the following survey on ACIDUL website.
Mises au concours du FNS
Do not hesitate to refer to the open calls for research funding schemes and programmes proposed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
Horizon Europe (2021-2027)
Despite our current "third country" status, many opportunities are open to researchers based in Switzerland, in particular within the clusters of the second pillar (Health; Culture, Creativity and inclusive Society; Security; Digital, Industry and Space; Climate, Energy and Mobility; Food, Bioeconomy natural resources, Agriculture and Environment).
CH transition measure for the 2022 ERC CoG : SNSF Consolidator Grants 2022
The scheme is aimed at researchers who want to consolidate their scientific independence in Switzerland.
UNIL 4 Research
Updated information on international research funding opportunities.
Programme « Germaine de Staël »
This program is open to all research disciplines, it reimburses the travel and accommodation expenses of young researchers involved in scientific projects conducted with French partners. Max amount: CHF 4500.-
FUNDRAISO premium access
This database gathers foundations, associations or companies that support individual projects (grants etc.), research projects or equipment. Fundraiso is free, but if your computer has an IP address of UNIL, CHUV, UniSanté and other associated hospitals, you have access to extended selection options.
Fyssen Foundation Postdoctoral Study Grants
Fyssen Foundation Postdoctoral Study Grants are aimed at early career postdoctoral researchers working in research disciplines such as ethology, palaeontology, archaeology, anthropology, psychology, epistemology, logic and the sciences of the nervous system (neurobiology). Grants are awarded to researchers who gained their PhD:
- Outside of France, and wish to conduct a project inside of France.
- Inside of France, and wish to conduct a project in a country other than France (excluding any country of co-tutorship).
DMPonline UNIL
This interactive online tool for writing a Data Management Plan (DMP) allows researchers to write a plan in a collaborative way and to request a review, directly via the application, by UNIL services specialized in data management.
Two new DMP templates integrating specific resources and recommendations for SNSF funding applications are now available for UNIL and CHUV researchers of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine.
• FBM UNIL DMP template for SNSF funding • FBM CHUV DMP template for SNSF funding
When creating your account, please follow the help page to access and benefit from our support when using the DMPonline tool.
If you need additional personalized help or training to write your DMP, please contact the team at researchdata@unil.ch who will redirect you to the appropriate people.
UNIL Gold Open Access Fund
As part of its "360 support" strategy for Open Access, UNIL/CHUV is making available to UNIL/CHUV authors a Gold Open Access fund, with the support of swissuniversities, as of January 1, 2022, to support publications following the Gold Road.
Licenses with Open Access component
In addition to the UNIL Gold Open Access Fund, UNIL/CHUV correspondence authors can now publish in Open Access free of charge in a large number of Gold and Hybrid OA journals from several publishing houses.
Please note! Some of these licenses have an annual national quota (this is indicated in the summary table). When these quotas are reached, the institution will not be able to take over the APCs until the following year.
2021 Open Access barometer
The UNIL Open Access Barometer is an instrument to measure the evolution of Open Access at UNIL. The report, which shows an overview of several parameters related to Open Access, is prepared at the beginning of the year.
The methodology page presents how the data was collected and processed before being introduced in the report.
Check out the barometer here!
Shared Open Access Publishing Platform: SOAP2
SOAP2 (Shared Open Access Publishing Platform) is a joint project of the University of Fribourg (leading house), the University of Lausanne, the Central and University Library of Lucerne (with the University of Applied Sciences of Lucerne), the University of Neuchâtel and the University of Teacher Education of the Canton of Vaud. The core of the project is an online publishing platform.
Services will include setting up journals and workflows on the platform, advising editors on the organization of their work and the implementation of OA standards, helping with minor problems with the platform, and processing documents. Support may also include establishing and improving the indexing of journals in information services and assigning persistent identifiers for articles.
If you publish a journal at UNIL and you are interested in the platform, contact us!
New FORS guide on data protection.
A new FORS Guide on Research Data Protection has been published by Pablo Diaz. It is available on the FORS website.
Free Graduate Campus workshops for UNIL doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows
The Graduate Campus offers a number workshops free of charge for doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows registered at UNIL and CHUV, in order to acquire tools for a good start of your thesis and to prepare for the defence, to enhance your knowledge and broaden your research opportunities, to get advice to help you clarify your next career steps or to take up current challenges.
PhD course : Good Research Practices and Research Ethics
The goal of the course is to provide PhD students with an understanding of the main perils that researchers can face during their careers.
The portrait - Service de la Recherche
Eliane Abou-Mansour has joined Service Recherche at Unil, she will be in charge of the financial reporting of the European projects replacing Renzo Restori who has taken a well-deserved retirement. Eliane background is natural products chemist she worked as researcher in Perpignan (Fr), Townsville (Au), Neuchâtel and Fribourg (CH) . Eliane has previously worked with the research support team at the University of Geneva and Fribourg.
Research consultants at UNIL
Have you heard?
Demystifying research
" Switzerland is excluded from European research "
In fact, almost 2/3 of the Horizon Europe calls for proposals (2021-2027; 95 billion Euros) remain accessible despite our "third country" status, especially the collaborative projects of the second pillar (Research & Innovation Actions and Innovation Actions). Swiss institutions can participate as "associated partners". If the proposal is positively evaluated, their contribution will be financed by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SEFRI). In addition, for individual measures that are not currently available, transitional measures are being implemented by the SNSF. The call for the "SNSF Consolidator Grants 2022" was launched on March 1st and another call will be launched for the "SNSF Advanced Grants 2022" in the second half of 2022.