Appels à projet

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Veuillez noter que la liste présentée ici n’est pas exhaustive. Nous encourageons les chercheuses et chercheurs à créer leur profil sur Unil4research pour explorer toutes les opportunités disponibles.

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Driving Urban Transitions : appel à projets européens

Le partenariat européen Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) lance une troisième mise au concours à laquelle les chercheuses et chercheurs établis en Suisse peuvent participer. Conduire les transitions urbaines…

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Water4All 2023 Joint Transnational Call “Aquatic Ecosystem Services”

The received pre-proposals have been assessed for eligibility by the Call Secretariat and the Funding Partner Organisations (FPOs) participating in the call, and evaluated by a panel of…

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Water4All 2024 Joint Transnational Call

In collaboration with the European Union, 35 Funding Agencies from all over Europe and abroad are pleased to announce the Joint Transnational Call for research and innovation projects…

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In September 2023, Biodiversa+ launched its BiodivNbS call, inviting proposals for three-year research projects to explore the tipping points, trade-offs, and mechanisms influencing Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and their…

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Lead Agency process

The Lead Agency process allows researchers in Switzerland and a partner country to submit a joint research proposal to either of the two national funding organisations. Weave Project…

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Open Access book publications

Make research public! Submission deadline:Anytime The SNSF finances the publication of scientific books that are freely and electronically accessible without restrictions or delays (Gold Open Access). Peer-reviewed monographs…

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National Research Programmes (NRPs)

Research where it is needed most. Calls for four new NRPs in the areas of "Baukultur", biodiversity, gender medicine and plant breeding. The National Research Programmes (NRPs) promote…

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Scientific communication training for researchers

Researchers are also communicators. The SNSF offers media training, video workshops and politics courses to help you strengthen your skills in this area. It is important for research…

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Weave – Research funding without borders

In the Weave funding scheme, researchers from two to three European countries submit a joint proposal to one of the funding organisations involved. Lead Agency Weave was developed…

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Offres régulières ou continues
