Messages from RCQ dicastère
Message from the Vice Dean
Supporting and encouraging the careers of our young researchers is a priority of the Décanat and we place this Geonews of the first days of spring under the sign of the new generation. Read more...
Reminder: vademecums, supervisory committee...
The dicastère reminds you that supervisors are required to organize supervision committees on an annual basis. The end of the first year, thesis report must be sent to the Décanat via the Secrétariat des doctorants.
FGSE expertise Webmapping: we are in, but are you in?!
* Webmapping challenge * Who has chosen as keywords: Archaeometry, Climate change, Geological Crisis, Ore deposits, Stable isotopes...? To discover it, have a look at the Webmapping!
Awarded by random draw, among the eligible people who sent the right answers! To be eligible for the prizes of our Webmapping challenges in this and the following Geonews: you are an assistant, a PhD student, a 1st assistant or a research PAT and you have filled in your profile and your keywords in Unisciences? That's perfect! If you have not yet filled in your profile and activated your keywords, do so in a few clicks via MyUnil, then try your luck! !
Seisme 3.0 in Geopolis entrance hall
Combining artistic and scientific approaches, Seisme 3.0 allows to visualize the seismic shocks recorded on Earth, with balls of different sizes that fall in the sand. Follow this link to learn more about this project by György Hétenyi, Mathias Dessimoz and Nicolas Elsig, funded by the FINV.
In 60 days, more than 11'000 earthquakes were recorded, including 33 with a magnitude greater than 6
Otemma glacier : how to link participative research and Bachelor work? Discover the fieldwork with Stuart Lane (IDYST), Margaux Hofmann and Valentin Tanniger.
What happens to biodiversity when glaciers disappear? Gianalberto Losapio reveals his Ambizione project on the colonization of plants, insects and pioneer micro-organisms and the network they build when environment changes.
Coming soon on Geoblog: Delphine Gilliard's logbook, back from a research mission in the Atlantic!
The Geoblog is reorganizing and awaits your contributions!
Solution-oriented Research for Development (SOR4D)
SOR4D's goal is to open new pathways for sustainable development (and the 17 SDGs) and reduce poverty in low-income countries. SOR4D thus supports international transdisciplinary research that brings solutions and innovations. Read more. Deadline: 2 May
New scheme: SNSF Consolidator Grants 2022
Transitional measure replacing ERC Consolidator Grant, for which Swiss institutions are not eligible. Budget: CHF 1.75 million, maximum five years. Eligibility: PhD obtained between 7 and 12 years ago. Check the call document on the SNF website! Pre-registration deadline: 2 May
FNS Sinergia: New call deadline
Warning: the deadline for submission of Sinergia 2022 applications is May 16, 2022 at 5:00 pm. Sinergia promotes the interdisciplinary collaboration of two to four applicants. More information.
Two FGSE applicants compete in the 6th UNIL edition of "ma thèse en 180 secondes", on March 17th 2022! More information.
Six Early Career Postdoctoral Fellowships in Geoscience and Environment
This initiative is designed to support early career scientists, exciting new scientific research and foster collaborations within the faculty. Deadline: 15 March.
Teaching discharge for Postdoc
UNIL Directuin helps post-doctoral fellows to build up a research profile by encouraging them to apply for research funding from the SNSF, among others. Deadline: 30 April.
Follow the training, events and workshop offred by APNS (Assocociation of Postdocs in Natural Sciences) and activities of ACIGE (Assocociation du corps intermédiaire GSE)
New unlimited publication licence with PLOS
UNIL now covers publication fees for the 12 PLOS journals to UNIL/CHUV corresponding authors. See UNIL dediceted page for the process to follow of this and other publishers.
Wandering research... flowers of mind and other derived products...
No patience, no science.
Any idea? What is this geological instrument in the picture? The answer here !
Glaciers, laboratories, meetings...