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Subside pour les post-docs FGSE – Matterhorn Grants
31 octobre 2023 Toute la journée
This funding tool complements the different instruments of the FINV (FGSE Investment Fund). It is specifically aimed at post-docs (i.e. Premiers assistants et postdoctorants, maîtres assistants et maîtres assistants suppléants, chercheurs FNS seniors, boursiers postdocs de la Confédération) to support projects with a view to Relève. This fills a gap since postdoctoral fellows do not have direct access to the FINV. The maximum amount is, as a general rule, CHF 10,000 (excluding matching)
Please see the principles and guidelines in the document sent by recherche-gse@unil.ch in September, 26 2023.
Applications will be evaluated by the FGSE Research Commission, which will notify the Décanat, for a decision by the end of November.