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Lead Agency with USA: step 1, EIO
2 août 2023 Toute la journée
Lead Agency projects are now possible with the USA, offering a new way of cooperation on 48-month projects between researchers in the USA and Switzerland.
All proposals should address both intellectual merit and the broader economic/societal impacts or relevance of the proposed research:
- Describe this broader impact the research plan.
- On mySNF, declare the application as use-inspired.
The lead agency procedure concern the following divisions from USA National Science Foundation (NSF):
- Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) : Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB)
- Directorate for Geological Sciences (GEO)
- Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) : Astronomical Sciences (AST) ; Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) ; Division of Physics (PHY)
- Directorate for Engineering (ENG)
- Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) : Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (BCS) ; Division of Social and Economic Sciences (SES)
Step 1: Expression of interest – 2 Aug 2023
To submit a collaborative project with a USA co-applicants using the Lead Agency procedure, the US applicants must submit an expression of interest (EOI) to the NSF by 2 Aug 2023:
- The EIO describes the entire project.
- Additional information on the requirements for this EOI will be posted on the NSF’s corresponding website.
Step 2: full proposal – 2 Oct 2023
Next submission deadline (for EOI by 2 Aug) : 2 Oct 2023 to the SNSF (and at the NSF onced the project is approved for funding). Applicants cannot simultaneously submit any further SNSF project funding applications.
- CV and DMP : Follow the SNSF guidelines.
- Budget: Enter the budget of the Swiss subproject in the data container “Requested funding”. For the total project budget, fill in the budget form and upload it to the data container “Lead Agency and other agreements”.