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ERC Consolidator Grant
2 février 2023 @ 17:00
Open to outstanding individual researchers:
- 7 to 12 years after PhD (cut-off date for eligibility calculation: 01.01.2023 – with possible extension),
- proposing a high-gain/high-risk frontier research projects,
- in a host organisation located in EU member state or country associated to Horizon Europe (not Switzerland)
See the very nice instructional videos called ‘ERC Classes’ : all you need to know about the application and evaluation process, and up-to-date info on ERC website. Templates and information for applicants are also on the EUresearch website.
Is it the right grant for you?
Self-assessment: check the funded projects !
Can researchers from Switzerland apply?
No, but a call for researchers in Switzerland may open via SNSF (see 2022 call).