Now, it’s launched! Find yourself on the webmapping or make sure that you are visible in our galaxy of FGSE researchers. Make this new tool your own with a system linked to Unisciences.
If you wish to manage your keywords (additions, deletions, modifications): access the Unisciences menu specially designed for you, the researchers of FGSE. And be among the first at UNIL to experiment with this system, which is about to become a pilot project!
In your Unisciences, you can:
- check, add, remove, modify your keywords,
- enter them if you did not already have any,
- re-enter them if your old Unisciences keywords have been deleted by the update.
Have a look at the tutorial and the suggested recommendations.
Also aimed at the external public, journalists and the media will be glad to find your skills and contact details in the Webmapping. Do not miss this opportunity to make yourself even more visible and identifiable! The more you contribute, the more complete the database will be.