The Bhadrakarātrī-sūtra: Apotropaic Scriptures in early Indian Buddhism

Soutenance de thèse de Madame Kathrin Holz, candidate au doctorat ès Lettres.
Lundi 9 décembre 2019, 15h00, Anthropole 5060.

Directeur de thèse:

  • Monsieur Ingo Strauch, Professeur, Faculté des lettres, UNIL

Membres du jury:

  • Madame Cristina Scherrer-Schaub, Professeure honoraire, Faculté des lettres, UNIL, Directrice d’Etudes émérite, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris Science Lettres (EPHE-PSL), France
  • Monsieur Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Professeur émérie, Professeur émérité, LMU Munich, Allemagne
  • Monsieur Gergely Hidas, Dr, Post-doc researcher, British Museum London, Angleterre

La séance est publique.

Kathrin Holz 

Kathrin Holz received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Indian Studies at the University of Würzburg, Germany. She wrote her Bachelor thesis on early Buddhist epigraphy, and compared a Pali Jataka with its Sanskrit parallel for her Master thesis.

Since 2014 Kathrin Holz has been working at the Section de langues et civilisations de l’Asie du Sud at the University of Lausanne as graduate assistante for Buddhist studies. She taught Sanskrit and Middle Indian languages, organised conferences and workshops, and collaborated on different projects.

Kathrin Holz is author of two articles on Buddhist rakṣā texts, comprising critical editions and translations of texts in Sanskrit and Tibetan, and their textual analysis. She furthermore participated in various national and international conferences.

In the framework of her PhD Studies, she spent one year at the Centre for Buddhist Studies at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Kathmandu University in order to intensify her Tibetan language skills and to work with Nepalese Buddhist manuscripts kept in the National Archives of Kathmandu. For this stay she received a scholarship from the Swiss National Science Foundation and a mobility grant from the Faculté des Lettres, Université de Lausanne.