Le prix « International Geneva Award » a été établi pour distinguer trois articles académiques parus récemment présentant un intérêt particulier pour les organisations internationales. Le prix est une distinction prestigieuse qui encourage les chercheurs à entrer en relation avec les décideurs.
The articles must be in the domain of International Studies (academic studies on issues that transcend national borders). The authors must specify the relevance of their work for International Organisations in the submission form. To be eligible, submitted articles must have been published after Sept 1st 2018. Forthcoming articles are also accepted if a publisher confirmation can be supplied. The applications will be reviewed by the SNIS International Geneva Committee.
Each of the three awarded papers will receive CHF 5000.-.
Entrants must be professors or researchers at a post-doctoral level working in a Swiss institution of higher education at the time of the paper’s publication.
Submission deadline: 15th November 2019, 12:00 CET
Plus d’information sur le site du SNIS.