Fulbright Specialist Program

Invitez un expert des Etats-Unis pour 2 à 6 semaines dans votre institution, pour donner des cours, développer des curricula et plus.

The Fulbright Specialist Program offers year-round project opportunities of two to six weeks in length. The shorter duration of Specialist projects is beneficial for the U.S. academic or professional who may not be available to leave their position for an extended period and for the host institution, which needs an experienced partner on a short-term basis.

Through the Fulbright Specialist Program, U.S. academics and professionals can apply their knowledge and expertise to a diverse array of activities including, but not limited to:
· Delivering a seminar or workshop
· Consulting on faculty or workforce development
· Developing academic or training curricula and materials
· Lecturing at the graduate or undergraduate level
· Conducting needs assessments or evaluations for a program or institution

In general, host institutions should be prepared to provide the Specialist with lodging, meals, and in-country transportation, either through monetary or in-kind contributions, throughout their full stay in country. The Fulbright program will cover the round trip intercontinental flights and a daily honorarium.

Contact the U.S. Embassy in Bern for an application form and more information at the following email address: bernpa@state.gov . For more information: https://fulbrightspecialist.worldlearning.org/the-fulbright-specialist-program/