La Leading House pour la Chine, l’ETH Zurich, soutient les échanges de jeunes chercheurs entre la Suisse et la Chine. Le programme offre deux formats: 1) recevoir des jeunes chercheurs chinois dans un groupe de recherche suisse – l’appel a été clôturé le 12 avril 2019. 2) Envoyer des jeunes chercheurs suisses en Chine.
- Eligibility: Swiss senior researchers from universities, universities of applied sciences or research institutes and from all scientific disciplines can apply to send one of their PhD students or postdocs (in exceptional cases) to China to conduct research within an existing project or collaboration for up to 12 months.
- Funding: The Leading House ETH Zurich will provide a scholarship to cover living allowance and international travel.
- Application process: The Swiss main applicant (sending supervisor) must apply to ETH Zurich as the Leading House using the application form available on the website.
- Extended deadline to submit application to ETH Zurich: 24 May 2019.
Detailed information on the call and the application form are available on ETH Global website. I kindly invite you to forward this information to interested researchers and share it within your respective networks.