Bourses de la Canon Foundation pour des recherches au Japon, délai au 15.09.19

La Fondation Canon en Europe offre des bourses pour effectuer de la recherche au Japon et en Europe. Délai au 15 septembre 2019 pour des recherches débutant en 2020.

Every year, about 15 Research Fellowships are granted to Europeans and Japanese postgraduates wanting to do research in Japan and Europe respectively.


  • Open to European and Japanese nationals.
  • Non-nationals should have permanent citizenship in Europe or Japan.
  • Applicants should hold a Master’s degree (at least) obtained in the last 10 years.
  • Europeans are expected to do their research in Japan and Japanese should do their research in Europe.
  • Fellowships are awarded for at least 3 months to 1 year maximum.
  • All research fields are eligible. There are no restrictions.
  • Deadline for applications: 15 September 2019 for research starting in 2020

To apply for a Research Fellowship, please visit the following website and register for the online application form. You will also find here further supporting information, terms and conditions.