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March 2023


DBC News is a monthly publication that seeks to inform first and foremost faculty members, researchers and students. It also reaches out to a wider community - Department of Computational Biology partners, visiting faculty and friends.

Alongside the Department's website it is a complementary means of keeping abreast of the Department's rich and diversified scientific activities - visiting faculty, exceptional conferences, publications, awards, appointments, calls for papers and research, ...


The whole DBC extends the warmest of welcomes to new members.
Ahrmad Annan
PhD student, Group Ciriello

Ahrmad has a BSc in molecular and health biology from Paris-Saclay and an MSc in bioinformatics from Berne (Single molecule methylation footprinting and Exon-Intron Split Analysis in C. elegans).

After research internships in emerging viral diseases, neurology (mostly RNAseq) and worm epigenetics, he worked in bioinformatics product development in a Swiss biotech.

But his thirst for learning and researching health bioinformatics remained. A PhD in the Ciriello Group will constitute an excellent framework, providing purpose in researching epigenetic and transcriptional programs underlying cancer cell plasticity. Diverting from science, Ahrmad loves swimming, mountains, books and films.


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