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March 2023


DBC News is a monthly publication that seeks to inform first and foremost faculty members, researchers and students. It also reaches out to a wider community - Department of Computational Biology partners, visiting faculty and friends.

Alongside the Department's website it is a complementary means of keeping abreast of the Department's rich and diversified scientific activities - visiting faculty, exceptional conferences, publications, awards, appointments, calls for papers and research, ...


The whole DBC extends the warmest of welcomes to new members.

Commemorative concert for Alma

March 20 at the Venice Conservatory

Concert Hall, Palazzo Pisani, Sestiere S. Marco, 2810, 30124 Venice
Concerto per Alma
Lunedì 20 marzo 2023 ore 17.30

Saluto del Direttore del Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello, maestro Roberto Gottipavero.
Repertorio per solo, coro e piano *
ore 19 Incontro con i musicisti, gli amici e i colleghi di Alma

* The booking service will be provided on Eventbrite platform. The links to the streaming will be communicated with the definitive programme.

Senza l’ impegno degli amici, insegnanti e colleghi musicisti di Alma e del Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello, dove Alma si è diplomata in pianoforte, questo Concerto non sarebbe possibile. Un contributo decisivo è stato offerto dal Direttore Artistico del Concerto Diana D'Alessio, docente di Direzione di Coro al Conservatorio Giovan Battista Martini di Bologna.
Diana è stata la prima insegnante di pianoforte di Alma e la direttrice del Látomás Choir, frequentato da Alma durante i suoi studi accademici.

Alma Dal Co (Jan. the 4th, 1989 – Nov. the 14th 2022)

“If I’m not in the office, I’m at the piano, if I’m not at the piano, I’m fishing underwater,” she wrote on her website during her postdoc at Harvard University.
An accident at the sea of Pantelleria disrupted her brilliant career. In a rare spirit of friendship, the group of scientists connected with Alma’s work is now supporting her family’s initiative to keep alive the memory of Alma and her fearless commitment to research and life.

Her innovative approach to science is outlined in the Obituary published on January 18, 2023 in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution ( and in the presentation at Princeton Center for Theoretical Science by prof. Ned Wingreen and prof. Martin Ackermann (


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