DBC News is a monthly publication that seeks to inform first and foremost faculty members, researchers and students. It also reaches out to a wider community - Department of Computational Biology partners, visiting faculty and friends.
Alongside the Department's website it is a complementary means of keeping abreast of the Department's rich and diversified scientific activities - visiting faculty, exceptional conferences, publications, awards, appointments, calls for papers and research, ...
The whole DBC extends the warmest of welcomes to new members.
I am a physicist deeply fascinated by the study of complex biological systems. I did my Master's degree in Physics of complex systems (University of Turin), where I had the opportunity to contribute to different projects, from E.coli's growth to gene expression networks in cancer cells. Read more
Many thanks to you for the good collaboration throughout these years and we all wish every success in your future endeavours.
"Drawing spatial maps of tumor clones and their microenvironment"
AI to save Madagascar
How artificial intelligence and bioinformatics can contribute to conservation policies.
World Cancer Day - February 4th
How genetic and hormonal sex determinants impinge on cancer risk in concert with variations in human populations is a complex topic that requires a multifaceted approach at the interface of science and society. Read more
Compbio UNIL
February 28th
"Computational Biology" addresses biological questions with computational means & algorithms. From mathematical modeling of biological systems to the processing/analysis and integration of large amounts of experimental or clinical data. More info to come
Cardiac RNA-mediated (re)programming - March 9 & 10
Collaborative symposium of the SNF Sinergia Program "Regenerative strategies for heart disease via targeting the long noncoding transcriptome" and the CVM PhD program FBM-UNIL. Read more
All the events of the APNS here
What follows is a small sampling of recently published research across the department — for a more complete list of publications, visit PubMed. If there is a paper you would like to see highlighted in the next issue of the newsletter, please email us.
Are you an alum or former employee of the department? Email us our news and updates to include in an upcoming newsletter!
Our new Twitter Feed
We have just released our new Twitter page.
Make sure to follow the DBC.