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May 2022


DBC News is a monthly publication that seeks to inform first and foremost faculty members, researchers and students. It also reaches out to a wider community - Department of Computational Biology partners, visiting faculty and friends.

Alongside the Department's website it is a complementary means of keeping abreast of the Department's rich and diversified scientific activities - visiting faculty, exceptional conferences, publications, awards, appointments, calls for papers and research, ...


The whole DBC extends the warmest of welcomes to new members.
Capture d’écran 2022-04-20 à 17.02.40
Fabienne Sauvain (left) and Stéphanie Scuderi (right)

Fabienne and Stéphanie are joining the DBC as accounting assistant and administrative assistant.

We are very eager to wellcome them to strenghten our Admin Team. Fabienne will be in charge of the general accountancy of the department and Stéphanie will be in charge of Bergmann and Ciriello's groups.
Charles Bernard,
Postdoc, Group Dessimoz

After a B.A. in Bioinformatics and a M.A. in Computational & Systems Biology at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Paris, I worked for one year as a bioinformatician in the lab of Fatima Mechta-Grigoriou at the Curie Institute for cancer research in Paris. There, using scRNA-seq data analysis, I investigated the link between fibroblasts heterogeneity and immunotherapy resistance in breast cancer. Read more
Miljan Petrovic
Postdoc, Group Ciriello

Miljan obtained his masters degree in electrical engineering and computing at University of Nis, Serbia, in 2017. His main interests were signal processing and applied algebra. Within the domain of biomedical signals, Miljan worked on ECG and heart rate variability analysis prior to enrolling into doctoral studies. He then joined Medical Image Processing Lab at EPFL, Switzerland, and obtained his PhD degree under the supervision of Prof. Dimitri Van de Ville in March 2022. His thesis follows the development of efficient methods for exploring complex networks and processing signals on graphs, with an application to neuroscience and human brain imaging. Beyond scientific interests, Miljan writes poems and novels, and considers himself a cinephile.


Many thanks to you for the good collaboration throughout these years and we all wish every success in your future endeavours.
Suzanne Soto Eberle
DBC Administrative Assistant

Thank you Suzanne for all these years, we will miss you!

all the best in this new adventure!!
Soto Suzanne

Alexander Luke Button
Postdoc, Group Bergmann



May 19th - DBC Seminar with Dr. Jonas Richiardi, Principal Investigator and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Radiology, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). Read more


Reconstructing the human past: using ancient and modern genomics

13 - 16 Sep 2022 - co-organised by DBC professor, Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas

Combining genome-wide data from ancient and modern populations opens new windows into the past. Population-scale sequencing projects investigating past and present human diversity have already provided us with extraordinary insights into patterns of human variation and mobility through time and space. Read more
Capture d’écran 2022-05-03 à 16.07.22
Capture d’écran 2021-08-25 à 10.01.00

VIP2 Post Doc Fellows

VIP2 is a postdoctoral fellowship program at the Vienna BioCenter (VBC) offering three – year fellowships that are open to candidates with backgrounds in biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, engineering, computer science, and bioinformatics.
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When our members shine...

Sara Heim - Group Salamin - among the laureates of the thought-provoking artworks of the first edition of the Art + Science Contest
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Capture d’écran 2022-05-05 à 10.33.44

Marco Vorrone - Group Ciriello - winner of the the best talk within the D.Day, organized by the Association of PhD and Post-docs of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM)
For more Research news and infos on DBC Events, please check out the DBC Website

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CIG News
SIB News
Skills for Scientists


What follows is a small sampling of recently published research across the department — for a more complete list of publications, visit PubMed. If there is a paper you would like to see highlighted in the next issue of the newsletter, please email us.
Estimating RNA dynamics using one time point for one sample in a single-pulse metabolic labeling experiment - With Micha Hersch , Adriano Biasini , Ana C Marques , Sven Bergmann

Tcf1 is essential for initiation of oncogenic Notch1-driven chromatin topology in T-ALL -With Yuanlong Liu, Giovanni Ciriello

A Linear Time Solution to the Labeled Robinson-Foulds Distance Problem
With Christophe Dessimoz, Yannis Nevers

From pharmacogenetics to pharmaco-omics: Milestones and future directions
With Chiara Auwerx , Marie C Sadler, Zoltán Kutalik

The individual and global impact of copy-number variants on complex human traits
With Chiara Auwerx , Marie C Sadler, Marion Patxot , Eleonora Porcu, Zoltán Kutalik

GCAT|Panel, a comprehensive structural variant haplotype map of the Iberian population from high-coverage whole-genome sequencing - With Victor Moreno, Olivier Delaneau


PostDoc in Bioinformatics / Computational Biology - Location : Luxembourg

Research Associate (Postdoc) Positions in Software Engineering - Location : Luxembourg

Post-Doctoral Researcher - Microalgae in Human Nutrition and Health - Location : ETH Zurich

Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Biology/Bioinformatics - Location : Luxembourg

Postdoc in the Ecosystem Data Science group (m/f/d) - Location : Bremerhaven, Germany

Postdoctoral Researcher - Machine Learning with medical applications - Location : ETH Zurich

Postdoctoral studies in systems biology of mRNA translation (scholarship) Location : Stockholm, Sweden


Are you an alum or former employee of the department? Email us our news and updates to include in an upcoming newsletter!

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