Book publication: Local services as mountain commons

The ComMount project team is pleased to announce the publication of a book coordinated by two team members, Luigi Lorenzetti and Roberto Leggero, entitled “I servizi di prossimità come beni comuni. Une nuova prospettiva per la montagna”. The book is published by Donzelli Editore and is available, in Italian, on the publisher’s website.

It contains an article presenting the results of the MOUN project, co-authored by several members of the ComMount project and lead by Marjolaine Gros-Balthazard. MOUN (MOUNtain commons facing global changes) was an eight-month pilot project funded by the University of Lausanne that highlighted numerous cases of new commons in several regions of the Alps. Results from MOUN led to the development of the ComMount research project. 

Here is the reference of the article: 

Gros-Balthazard M., Hürlemann S., Chezel E., Kebir L., Canevet L., Decorzant Y., Leggero R., Lorenzetti L., Nahrath S., Otero I., Reynard E. (2024). Servizi di prossimità: verso nuovi beni comuni nelle Alpi? Stato di avanzamento e prospettive. In: Lorenzetti L., Leggero R. (a cura di), Servizi di prossimità come beni comuni. Una nuova prospettiva per la montagna. Roma, Donzelli, pp. 107-120.