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e-Newsletter — May 2023

From the President’s desk

The IGU has a major responsibility to promote teaching and research in Geography and it would be fair to say that the ‘engine room’ in this sense lies in the work of its Commissions.
While the fundamental scientific work undertaken by the Commissions, expressed on their websites, in their newsletters, explored in their meetings and workshops, and showcased in our major Congresses and Conferences, is foundational for us, the IGU also has a more ‘political’ role to play.

This is exercised through our active membership in the International Science Council (ISC) and the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH). These bodies enable the IGU, and therefore Geography, to develop a profile in the United Nations and UNESCO - institutions that determine the broader strategy and directions of global science in general.

IGU First Vice-President Nathalie Lemarchand and I, joined by ISC Governing Board member and IGU Vice-President Maria Paradiso, recently participated in the ISC mid-term meeting in Paris, and it was encouraging to note the impressive array of initiatives that the ISC is undertaking under the leadership of President Peter Gluckman and an amazing Secretariat. Among other interesting developments, the ISC has recently opened an office in New York to enable it to engage more directly with the machinery of the UN and to further influence science policy. As one of the so-called ‘Geounions’, the IGU continues to help steer the ISC in a direction that, among others, promotes progress in achieving the UN SDGs and, in particular, in highlighting the need for quality education for all, especially in the area of sustainability. We know that the work of our Commissions continues to push the boundaries of academic research and that, through the ISC and CIPSH, can be harnessed to the benefit of science more broadly and of humanity in general.

Keep up the good work!

Michael Meadows

President IGU

Nanjing, Jiangdu Province, China
May, 2023

The Royal Geographical Society’s (RGS) Special Gold Medal 2023 for the

International Geographical Union (IGU)

The International Geographical Union (IGU) has been awarded the Royal Geographical Society’s (RGS) Special Gold Medal. This was presented to IGU President Michael Meadows at a glittering awards ceremony on June 5, 2023, at the headquarters of the RGS in London by the Director, Professor Joe Smith.

The Special Gold Medal has been awarded only once before and is specifically for institutions.
As noted by Professor Smith, the medal celebrates a centenary of IGU's impact on international Geography. The formal citation reads as follows:
"The Council of the Society has conferred upon you the Special Gold Medal for promoting geography through initiating and coordinating geographical research and teaching across the world."

IGU - Commission Excellence Award 2022

IGU Commission on Gender and Geography Wins 2022 Excellence Award

The IGU Commission Excellence Awards Committee has unanimously proposed that the IGU Commission Excellence Award for 2022 should be conferred on the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography and that, at a recent meeting of the IGU Executive Committee, the recommendation was ratified.

The Commission is very active and productive. The Commission on Gender and Geography has organized a large number of meetings, seminars, and sessions at IGU congresses and conferences, as well as at other scientific events, in different countries, including a pre-congress of the extraordinary centennial congress in Paris and 11 sessions at the latter. At this extraordinary congress, it celebrated its 30th anniversary. The IGU Gender and Geography Commission also collaborates with other IGU commissions to organize thematic conferences.

Call for sessions is now open until September 9, 2023

Other important dates
Call for abstracts: October – January 12, 2024
Registration opens: December 2023

You can visit the Call for sessions
For the most up-to-date information and important reminders, please sign up for our conference newsletter here.
For academic/program queries, please contact

The GInternational Geography Olympiad will take place outside Dublin, the week before the Congress.

IGU Thematic Conference on

Urban transformations:

Towards resilient cities

August 20-23, 2023, UNAM Mexico City (Mexico)

Capture d’écran 2022-11-28 à 00.14.38
Organizing Commissions:
  • Urban Commission: Re-Thinking Cities and the Urban: from the Global to the Local
  • Commission on Geography of Governance
  • Commission on Geography of Tourism, Leisure, and Global Change
  • Commission on GeoHeritage
  • Commission on Latin American Studies
  • Commission on Population Geography
Local organizers: Prof. Manuel Suarez, Prof. Javier Delgado

Registration is opened
Conference website

IGU Thematic Conference on

Connecting Geographies

from the Global South

May 15 - 17, 2024 - FLACSO Quito (Ecuador)

The thematic topics of the conference include:
1. Geographies of quality of life, deprivation, and inequalities
2. Global environmental change, biodiversity, and cultural diversity
3. Geopolitics of South-South exchanges and South-North disparities
4. Geography of (in)mobilities in the globalized world.
5. Geographical thinking in/from the Global South and alternative paradigms
6. Decolonization geography and politics of knowledge production
7. Gender and feminist geographies
8. Data-driven geographies, geospatial analysis, and artificial intelligence
9. Urbanization, (smart) cities, and urban-rural complex systems
10. Geographies of resources extractions in the South

Conference website

UNESCO-International Geodiversity Day

IGU Seminar on Geodiversity from Geographical Perspectives
October 8, 2023 (Sunday) - University of Delhi (hybrid mode)
Organized by the Geodiversity Group, with the support of the IGU Executive Committee and the Centre for Environmental Studies and Disaster Management (CESDM), Miranda House, University of Delhi, India.
Link for registration


IGU Conference on Health, Environment, and Sustainable Development
Changes, challenges, and opportunities in a post-pandemic world
June 13 - 16, 2023 - Bucharest and Danube Delta, Romania
Under the auspices of:
The International Geographical Union (IGU)
• Health and the Environment Commission
• Land Use/Land Cover Change Commission
• Local and Regional Development Commission
& Romanian National Committee of Geography
Conference Website

IGU Commission Geography of Governance - Annual Meeting - 2023
Paradigm Shifts in Local and Urban Governance
September 04 - 06, 2023 - Budapest, Hungary
Contact E-mails:,
Conference website

IGU Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces (IGU CDES) - Annual Meeting - 2023
Rethinking the economic geography of smaller urban places: Transformation and well-being in small and medium-sized towns.
September 13 - 15, 2023 - Bern, Switzerland
For further details, please visit the Commission's website

Symposium co-hosted by the Applied Geography Commission and the Commission on Population Geography of the IGU and the Department of Geography, University of the Aegean
The Relevance of Applied Population Geography Research
September 19 - 22, 2023 - University of the Aegean, Lesvos, Greece
Conference website

IGU Commissions on Local and Regional Development, Land Use and Land Cover Change, and Health and the Environment
Driving Growth and Sustainability:
Advancing Local and Regional Development Strategies
September 25 - 29, 2023 - Johannesburg, South Africa
- Economic Diversification and Competitiveness
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Sustainable Development and Environmental Management
- Social Inclusion and Equity
- Infrastructure and Public Services
- Socio-economic Disparities, Local and Regional Development
- Applications of Land Use/Cover Change, Driving Forces, and Impacts at Various Spatial Scales
- Land Use/Cover Change and Land Degradation
- Environmental Changes and Human Health: Vulnerabilities, Impacts, and Inequalities
- Health, Wellbeing, and Sustainable Development in Urban and Rural Areas
- Health Systems Responsiveness to the Changing Social and Natural Environment
Deadline for abstracts submission (300-500 words) in doc format: June 30, 2023
Send abstracts to Prof Ashley Gunter
Access to the full call

Joint IGU - ICA Commissions on Toponymy conference on
Literary, polar, and extraterrestrial place names
November 23 - 24, 2023 - Roma, Italy
organized in collaboration with the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
The major themes to be developed are:
1. Place names in all ancient, medieval, and modern literature
2. The names of polar lands given by explorers
3. The names given to the places of the Moon, Mars, and other planets and satellites in historical times and at present
Deadline for abstract submission (max. 300 words): September 30, 2023
Conference website

The IGU Tourism Commission - Pre-meeting Galway 2024
Immediately prior to the IGC Dublin in August 2024 - Galway, Ireland
coordinated by Dr. Bernadette Quinn (TU Dublin).
Information available on the commission's website


Association Internationale de géographie francophone - Congrès de fondation
June 13 - 15, 2023 - Rabat, Marocco
Conference website

Regional Studies Association - RSA Annual Conference 2023
Special session organized by the IGU Commission on Marginalization, Globalization and Regional and Local Response : SS39: Responding to the Marginalisation of ‘left behind places’ in an era of Local, Regional and Global Uncertainty
June 14 - 17, 2023 - Ljubljana, Slovenia
Conference website

3rd European Rural Geographies Conference
June 26 - 29, 2023 - Groningen, The Netherlands
Rural Geographies in Transition
​Conference Website

June 26 - 30, 2023 - Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Role of Geography: Sustainable Development, Adaptation, and Resilience to Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Spanish, Portuguese, French, English, and Dutch.
Conference Website – Email

ICCSA 2023 - International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications
July 3 - 6, 2023 - Athens, Greece
IGU-COMB Commission (C20.33) is a co-organizer of two sessions:
- Session “Cities, Technologies and Planning – CTP”
- Session “Smart and Sustainable Island Communities – SSIC”
Conference website

28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG2023)
July 11 - 20, 2023 - CityCube in Berlin, Germany
Deadline for abstract Submission: February 14, 2023
Registration and abstract submission

ERSA European Regional Science Association annual meeting
August 28 - September 1, 2023 - Alicante, Spain
Special topic: Urban Challenges and sustainable technological revolution
ERSA Congress is the largest academic Conference in the field of regional science
Conference website

9th EUGEO Congress
September 04 - 07, 2023 - Barcelona, Spain
Final Program: July 15, 2023
Early bird registration deadline: June 18, 2023
Conference website
Special Session organized by the IGU Commission on Marginalization, Globalization and Regional and Local Response: Landscape and Change in Marginal regions
Prof. Walter Leimgruber, University of Fribourg/CH (Switzerland),
Prof. Stanko Pelc, University of Primorska, Koper (Slovenia)
Code: 01183

From Recovery to Resilience: Sustainable Pathways for Transforming Tourism
September 11 - 12, 2023 - Johannesburg, South Africa
The conference is co-organized by the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, and the University of Oulu, Finland.
Conference website

September 12 - 14, 2023 - Logroño (La Rioja), Spain
Geografía: Cambios, Retos y Adaptación
Conference website

GIScience 2023
September 12 - 15, 2023 - University of Leeds, UK
We have coordinated with the ECTQG 2023 conference so can schedule talks to allow delegates to attend both conferences if they wish.
Keynote speakers are confirmed
Registration is now open
Conference website

23rd edition of the European Colloquium of Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG 2023)
September 13 - 17, 2023 - Braga, Portugal
Early registration is open until July 8, 2023

62nd German Geography Conference - Deutscher Kongress für Geographie (DKG)
September 20 - 23, 2023 - Frankfurt, Germany
Planetary Futures
DKG is the largest Geography Conference in Germany. It will be held as an in-person meeting in September 2023 in Frankfurt. About 1500 papers will be presented in more than 300 sessions. In addition, there will be lectures, panel discussions, poster sessions, and a wide range of field trips.
Early bird registration is open until July 17, and late registration ends September 19.
Conference website

October 04 - 06, 2023 - Malinska, Krk Island, Croatia
Geographic responses to challenges in a contemporary world in the 21st century and the celebration of 140 years of geography at the University of Zagreb
Conference website

International Conference of the Origin-Diversity-Territories ODT
October 11 - 13, 2023 - Angers, France
Climate Change and New Societal Expectations - Which Agroecological Transition within Geographical Indications?
Live online broadcasting
Conference website

GEOSUS 2023 - International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability
October 27 - 28, 2023 - Beijing, China
Geographic and sustainable development: Challenges and opportunities
Submission of abstracts deadline: July 31, 2023
Conference website

2023 Origin-Diversity-Territories ODT FORUM
November 21 - 23, 2023 - Chania, Cretia, Greece
Territorial dynamics of resilience in rural areas, particularly in mountains
4 thematic workshops:
1. Public action and frameworks for supporting local initiatives
2. Territorial food systems, between autonomy and specialization
3. The transition of rural territories, pathways, and projects
4. Agroecological transition of grassland and pastoral areas in the framework of
territorial qualifications
Conference website

5th ICCCASU 2023 - International Conference on Canadian, Chinese, and African Sustainable Urbanization
December 10 - 17, 2023 - Nairobi, Kenya
Financing African Cities: Infrastructures, Land Management & Markets
Languages: English and French
Submission of abstracts deadline: July 16, 2023
Conference website

Populations, Sociétés & Territoires (PoSTer) 2024
May 8 - 10, 2024 - Univ. Jean Lorougnon Guédé (UJLOG) - Daloa, Ivory Coast
Sociétés et espaces africains : mutations, défis et perspectives
Axe 1 : Systèmes économiques en mutation
Axe 2 : Évolutions démographiques et dynamiques des territoires
Axe 3 : Peuplement, mobilités, migrations internes et internationales
Axe 4 : Géopolitique et dynamiques frontalières
Axe 5 : Pouvoirs, religions et conflits
Axe 6 : Mutations rurales et foncières
Axe 7 : Villes et littoraux
Axe 8 : Environnement et risques
Axe 9 : Cartographie, télédétection et SIG
Deadline for abstract submission (250 words and 4 to 6 keywords): October 5, 2023
Conference website

IGU - Conference reports

5th Annual Conference of IGU Commission on Agricultural Geography and Land Engineering (IGU-AGLE)
May 5 - 9, 2023 - Hanzhong, China
The conference was jointly organized by the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(IGSNRR, CAS), Shaanxi University of Technology, and the People's Government of Hanzhong Municipality. More than 400 experts and specialists from Asia, Europe, Oceania, and various universities in China participated in the conference.
See the full report...


Spanish contribution to 35th IGC. París 2022, Time for Geographers
ISBN: 978-84-124962-8-4. D.L: M-28065-2022.
Download the complete book

(2022) Montology Palimpsest: A Primer of Mountain Geographies
Editors: Fausto O. Sarmiento
IGU series on Montology - Springer-Nature
The book has earned the Denali Recent Accomplishment Award from the American Association of Geographers (AAG). A second volume is in progress.

(2023) Sustainable Development Goals in Northeast India: Challenges and Achievements.
Authors: Anand, S., M. Das, R. Bhattacharyya and R. B. Singh
International Geographical Union (IGU) Series: Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences. Springer Nature

(2022) Asia Pacific ClimateScapes: Exploring the opportunities, challenges and trade-offs towards just transitions for decarbonisation.
Authors: Howson, P., R. Astuti, O. Hesengerth and S. Kindon
Research report, London, The British Academy


Mapping for a sustainable world

This book was written under the auspice of the United Nations - Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) and the International Cartographic Association
Authors: Menno-Jan Kraak, Robert E. Roth, Britta Ricker, Ayako Kagawa, and Guillaume Le Sourd
English (2020) and the new French version (2023)
Open access to the full books

United Nations

Global Geospatial Information Management

IGU is part of the geospatial societies of the United Nations - Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM). UN-GGIM recently published the United Nations Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (UN-IGIF Second Edition 2023). These 3 volumes provide a basis and guide for developing, integrating, strengthening, and maximizing geospatial information management and related resources in all countries. It will assist countries in bridging the geospatial digital divide, secure socio-economic prosperity, and leave no one behind.
Online access for downloading the reports...


Finance & Space journal (Taylor & Francis)
Journal published by the Regional Studies Association and FinGeo.

Please submit your own work, and recommend submissions to people in your networks. The journal accepts three types of submissions: full-length papers, short commentaries, and broadly-defined financial visualizations (FinVis). It is an online-only journal, with publication as soon as a paper is accepted. Papers can be arranged into themed special issues after individual publication. All publications will get an article-level promotion.
For more details and information for submission, please visit the journal's website


IGU Book Series - Springer Publisher

Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences
Editors: Yukio Himiyama et Subhash Anand

Call for book proposals
Yukio Himiyama, former IGU President & Hokkaido University of Education, Japan
Subhash Anand, University of Delhi, India

See all the published books

IGU Book Series - Edward Elgar Publisher

The International Geographical Union Series on Contemporary Geographies
Editors: Iain Hay et Holly S. Barcus

Call for book proposals
Professor Iain Hay, Flinders University, Australia
Professor Holly S. Barcus, Macalester College, USA

See all the published books


Crisis – Perspectives from the Humanities

CHANSE – Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe and HERA – Humanities in the European Research Area launches a call for international research projects on Crisis – Perspectives from the Humanities.

Project team: Composed of at least four and a maximum of six Principal Investigators, i.e. partners, eligible to receive funding from four or more different countries participating in the call
Project duration: 24-36 months
Funding per project: up to a maximum amount of 1 500 000 € (across all partners)

Proposals must be submitted via the Electronic Proposal Submission System
EPSS system

Official call announcement and launch of the submission system: May 26, 2023
Deadline for outline proposals: September 21, 2023, 14.00 CET
Deadline for invited full proposals: March 26, 2024, 14.00 CET
Call results: October/November 2024
Funded project start: December 2024/ March 2025
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
The inclusion of Ukrainian researchers is encouraged, applicants should review the guidance within the national eligibility annex.

WEBINAR: June 14, 2023, 10:00 – 12:00 CET
aiming to answer the questions related to the call.
For more information
Contact for general questions


Prof. Janet Townsend

The Commission on Gender and Geography sadly announced the death of Janet Townsend, who passed away on May 5th, 2023.

Janet was a Reader in Geography at Durham University from 1970 to her retirement in 2004 and had an honorary position at Newcastle University after 2004.
She was one of the very first scholars in feminist geography and development studies, passionate and dedicated to the lives of poor and marginalized women in low-income countries in the global south.
Read more about the tribute ...

Prof. Roberto Camagni

The Regional Science Association informed us with great sadness that Roberto Camagni suddenly passed away on April 3rd, 2023 at the age of 76 in Milan.
Roberto was Professor Emeritus of Regional and Urban Economics at Politecnico di Milano. He graduated in Economics at Bocconi University, in 1973 in Milan, and spent a full academic year at the University of Pennsylvania where he got fascinated by regional and urban studies.

Roberto has always been very active in this Regional science community mostly mixing economists with geographers (a pioneer multidisciplinary field). He was one of the founders of the Italian Section of the Regional Science Association International (AISRe), which he chaired between 1989 and 1992. Between 2003 and 2005, Roberto acted as President of the European Regional Science Association. Moreover, for twenty years (1987-2016) Roberto was President of the GREMI-Groupe de Recherche Européen sur le Milieux Innovateurs, Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne. In 2010, he received the ERSA Prize, and in 2017 he became a Fellow of the Regional Science Association International.
A special session of memorial gathering will be dedicated to him during the next ERSA conference in Alicante on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, 18:00-19:30 CEST
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