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e-Newsletter — May 2022

The local organizing committee is working flat out and, with the support of the IGU Executive Committee, is making sure that the event is suitable to commemorate 100 years of the IGU.

In just two months’ time, the IGU will celebrate its Centennial in Paris at the Extraordinary Geographical Congress with the theme ‘Time for Geographers / Le Temps de Géographes'.
Paris in July will no doubt provide a resplendent and fitting backdrop to what we anticipate will be a wonderful reflection of the prestige and importance of our discipline and the role that the IGU has played – and continues to play – in promoting international cooperation. We hope that this event will prove a high point in a year in which the pandemic continues to cause havoc in some countries and in which we have once again seen the haunting and hideous specter of war in Europe. I hope to see you in Paris.

Michael Meadows

President IGU

Spain April, 2022

IGU Executive Committee

Election results 2022

The IGU representatives of the member countries proceeded to the renewal of the Executive committee of the IGU. One General Secretary and four vice-President positions were vacant. The results are the following:

General Secretary:
  • Barbaros Gönencgil (Turkey)
4 vice-Presidents:
  • Maria Paradiso (Italy)
  • Phil McManus (Australia)
  • Ruben Lois-Gonzalez (Spain) - re-elected
  • Bojie Fu (China) - re-elected
See all the election results

IGU 2021 Awards

The IGU is pleased to announce the winners of its various awards.
These will be presented at the Extraordinary International Geographical Congress in Paris, 18th to 22nd July 2022.

Two new awards were inaugurated this year: the IGU Award for Distinguished Practice and the Early Career Award, along with its long-standing Lauréat d’Honneur, and Planet and Humanity Medal.
Distinguished Practice Award
  • Liu, Yansui (China)
  • Ono, Yugo (Japan)
  • Pain, Rachel (UK)
  • Thom, Bruce (Australia)
Early Career Award
  • Kubo, Tomoko (Japan).
  • Lim, Kean Fan (UK)
  • Wang, Shuai (China)
  • Yang, Yuanyuan (China)
  • Yenneti, Komali (UK)
IGU Lauréat d’Honneur
  • Berg, Kath (Australia)
  • Lew, Alan (USA)
  • Murayama, Yuji (Japan)
  • Qin, Dahe (China)
IGU Planet and Humanity Medal
  • Thunberg, Greta (Sweden)
(Note: Jack Dangermond, ESRI-USA, won this award in 2021 and will be presented with his medal at the Paris Extraordinary Congress).

IGU Commission Excellence Award 2021

The winner of the 2021 award, based on evidence in the annual report, is the Commission on Rural Sustainability, jointly chaired by Professors Serge Schmitz and Valerià Paül.

The Commission is very active and highly productive. Since its founding year (1992), the Commission has held annual seminars, which represent its most important activity. Moreover, it participates consistently in IGU Congresses and Conferences by organizing sessions. The IGU CSRS collaborates with other IGU commissions and related international, intergovernmental, or inter and multi-disciplinary groups. Read more...

IGU 100th anniversary CONGRESS

Time for Geographers

July 18-22, 2022 - PARIS

The International Geographic Union Centennial Congress to be held in Paris from July 18th to July 22nd is drawing near, and the social program is already highly promising!
We remind you that registration is open until June 15th, and a few remaining tickets are still available for the gala dinner that will allow you to discover Paris differently during a cruise on the Seine.
See here for registration

A series of half-day tours of Paris, in English with a professional tour guide, is proposed. These guided tours will take you through the center of Paris and along the banks of the River Seine.
You can register here for these tours (with fees) until June 15th

There are also a few places left for the visit of the Fontainebleau forest, the historically first nature reserve in the world, located less than an hour away from Paris.
You can register here by May 31st.

We very much look forward to seeing you in Paris in July

Report: Sixth Edition of the GEONIGHT

April 1, 2022

the latest edition had resulted in activities across 30 countries, among these an event in Kyiv, Ukraine on GeoNight, 1st April 2022: More than 50 local participants attended an online launch meeting at the start of the evening (European time). The event was promoted on the ISC website and will do so in the future.

Geo-night website

2022 International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD)

The International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD) will be officially inaugurated with an opening conference June 30 – July 1 2022 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, and various events and activities will be organized around the world until 30 June 2023. More information

Those commissions, national committees, or any other geographic groups willing to participate in IYBSSD, say using the IYBSSD logo in their activities such as conferences or research projects are requested to read the program guidelines and send a letter of intent for approval by the IGU Executive Committee to Yukio Himiyama

In submitting your proposal, please make sure to write your contact details, the outline of the proposed event, etc. with the following points in mind:
1. To contribute to the purposes of the IGU proclaimed in the IGU Statutes
2. To note that it should be an open-access event, program, or initiative sharing any outcome with the license CC BY NC SA 4.0
3. To indicate two or more Sustainable Development Goals as closely related to your event etc.
4. To be associated with scientists from different fields (human and social sciences included).
5. Keep in mind that it is an opportunity to improve the role of science in the public debate, with better information for the public and policymakers, and with a self-reflection from scientists about the way they do and share science.


IGU Commission on Geography of Governance
Workshop ‘Smart and Resilient Local Governance
13 – 14 June 2022, Gyor (Hungary)
The workshop addresses the aspects of the functioning of local governments in responding to challenges of the pandemic and climate crisis and the implications for the future of local governance.
Abstracts are especially welcome on the following topics:
• Local Government and the Response to Climate Emergency / Climate Change
• Local Government and the Response to Covid-19 Pandemic
• Smart Cities and Smart Local Governance
More information

IGU Commission on Geographical Education
Teaching Geography: Past and Future Challenges
July 12-13 2022, Rennes (France)
Sessions include "The challenges of the curriculum from yesterday to tomorrow", "The tools of geography: between tradition and renewal", and "Teaching training: new challenges".
Conference website

IGU Tourism Commission - pre-conference of the Paris congress
hosted by the Cultural Geography Group of Wageningen University.
July 15-17 2022, Wageningen (the Netherlands)
with the theme "Time for Tourism Geographers"
For more information
Chair: Prof. Dr. Edward Hákon Huijbens

IGU Commission on Political Geography - pre-conference of the Paris congress
Supported by the Commission on political geography and geopolitics of the CNFG
July 15-17 2022, Paris (France)
Special focus on "Space-Time Politic"

IGU Urban Geography Commission - post-conference of the Paris congress
in collaboration with the Geographie-cités CNRS research unit
July 23-27 2022, Université de Paris, Campus Grands Moulins - Paris (France)
Urban Restructuring, Property Development, and Changes in Cityscapes
Conference website

IGU Commission on Geography of Governance - Annual Conference
Local Governance in a Time of Global Emergencies
August 29-31 2022, Mexico City (Mexico)
Conference website

Joint international colloquium of the Spanish Geographers Association (AGE) Group 10 on the Geography of Tourism and the IGU Tourism Commission
October 20-22 2022, Cuenca (Spain)
Between the recovery and transformation of tourism in a post-COVID world: perspectives from Geography
For more information, Call for papers
Chair. Professor Josep Ivars

IGU Modeling Geographical Systems Commission
will co-organize a Workshop on AutoCarto 2022: Living Structure as a Scientific Foundation of Maps and Mapping
November 2-4 2022, Esri Campus, Redlands, CA


II Ibero-American Biogeography Congress
June 5-8 2022, Pola de Somiedo (Spain)
Conference website

Annual Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
June 6-11 2022, Nice (France)
Conference website

XVI Spanish Urban Geography Colloquium
June 27-30 2022, Málaga-Melilla (Spain)
Download the invitation

XVII Iberian Geography Colloquium
July 4-6 2022, Salamanca (Spain)
Conference website

5th Asian Conference on Geography
under the auspices of the Asian Geographical Association (AGA)
September 5-9 2022, Thai Nguyen (Viet Nam)
Conference website

XIX Spanish Congress on Geographic Information Technologies
September 12-14 2022, Zaragoza (Spain)
Conference website

10th Conference of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG)
September 12-16 2022, Coimbra (Portugal)
Geomorphology and Global Change
It is organized by IAG and the Portuguese Association of Geomorphologists (APGeom) and co-organized by the Centre of Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT), the Department of Geography and Tourism (University of Coimbra), and the Department of Earth Sciences (University of Coimbra).
Conference website

Society of South African Geographers Biennial Conference,
15th to 16th September 2022, Pretoria (South Africa)
Conference website

18th International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH)
Organized by the International Society of Urban Health (ISUH)
October 24-27, Valencia (Spain)
Deadline for sessions and abstracts: May 31, 2022
Conference website

New Zealand Geographical Society Conference
Hosted by the Canterbury Branch
23-25 November 2022
Theme 1. Resilience in the context of environmental change, governance, and/or justice
Theme 2. Well being and health approaches to resilience
Theme 3. Recovery & regenerative development: solutions, approaches, methodologies, and practices for social and/or ecological restoration.
Theme 4. Resilience in the context of counter geographies
Theme 5. Resilience in the context of place-based, community grassroots geographies
Deadline for abstracts: 1 July 2022
Registrations open: 8 August 2022
Conference website


Geography and Sustainability (GEOSUS), Elsevier Journal- Special Issue
The role of Geography in a changing environment
Submission Deadline: May 31, 2022
Guest Editors:
Nunes Adélia, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Bento-Gonçalves António, University of Minho, Portugal
Chamusca Pedro, University of Minho, Portugal
Pereira Paulo, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
In this Special Issue, we invite geographers and other social and physical researchers to submit original research that contributes to a better understanding of the changes taking place and solutions that enhance ecological and socio-economic sustainability, showing the different perspectives and challenges we face in the 21st century.
More information for publication

Geography and Sustainability (GEOSUS), Elsevier Journal - Special Issue
Geography in the Anthropocene: transforming our world for sustainable development
Submission Deadline: August 31, 2022
Guest Editors:
Prof. Bojie Fu, Vice-President of the IGU.
Prof. Michael E. Meadows, President of the IGU.
Prof. Wenwu Zhao, President of the IGU-GFE.
In this special issue, we welcome all article types dealing with concepts, methods, and practices of diverse geographical research topics related to sustainable development across different scales (e.g., local, regional, continental, global). To address the significance of geography for promoting sustainable development, contributions reviewing the current state of knowledge, summarizing existing issues and challenges, and providing perspectives for future development in a certain field of geographical science for sustainable development are particularly encouraged.
More information for publication

ICCCASU Springer Book Series
Making Sense of Planning and Development for the post-pandemic Cities
Corresponding editor: Kh Md Nahiduzzaman
Recalling coping-centric “immediate” resilience against the pandemic, the book will offer unique insights into transformational urban planning, political, socio-cultural, economic, and demographic landscapes. This book aims to provide pathways and direction to enhance the city's resilience using a global perspective in the post-pandemic era. Within this construct, the proposed book aims to shed light and contribute scholarships to the following threads:
  • Changing conventions of interconnectedness between land use and spatial structure.
  • What is the influence of “home office” and “hybrid” work arrangements and changing locational preferences of the employees on the real estate market?
  • Growing demand for urban recreational space and active transportation;
  • Certainty versus unpredictability
  • Towards a “healthy” city
Full chapter submission: July 31, 2022
Book publication: December 2022
contact information

IGU Book Series - Springer Publisher

Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences
Editors: Yukio Himiyama et Subhash Anand

Call for book proposals
Yukio Himiyama, former IGU President & Hokkaido University of Education, Japan
Subhash Anand, University of Delhi, India

See all the published books

IGU Book Series - Edward Elgar Publisher

The International Geographical Union Series on Contemporary Geographies
Editors: Iain Hay et Michael Meadows

Call for book proposals
Professor Iain Hay, Flinders University, Australia
Professor Michael Meadows, University of Cape Town, South Africa

See all the published books

IGU recent books and special issues

Urban Planning special issue
Urbanization, Crisis, and Resilience: The Multiple Dimensions of Urban Transformation in Beirut, Lebanon (2022, Volume 7, Issue 1) - Open Access
Guest editors: Markus Hesse and Liliane Buccianti-Barakat

La transversalidad del ejercicio geográfico en Venezuela
Editors: Melgris José Becerra, Aleida Azamar Alonso, Yanelkar Márquez Flores
© Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2022 - Open Access
To download the book freely

the IGU Commission on

Research Methods in Geography

is recruiting two additional Steering Committee members

The IGU Commission on Research Methods in Geography is recruiting two additional Steering Committee members (deadline 27 May).
Here is the link to the webpage with all the details.
Send us any news
(conferences, calls for paper, new books, new positions...)
to post on the IGU website and publish in the next newsletter

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