


Newsletter — March 2021

I'm pleased to introduce you to the new format of the newsletter, that coincides with the renewal of the IGU website. We aim to better diffuse the information from the commissions and from the member-countries, and we invite you to send us all the information you would like to be posted on the IGU website and published in the next IGU newsletters. Wishing you a nice reading.
Celine Rozenblat, New editor of the newsletter

Michael Meadows

Président IGU

Welcome to a new format for the IGU e-Newsletter! For a number of years now, former IGU Vice-President Giuliano Bellezza has selflessly taken on the mantle of preparing and distributing the e-Newsletter four times each year.

Last year was a year of change in so many ways, and the IGU Executive Committee decided that a change of feel to the newsletter was in order.

We hope you find it attractive, accessible and above all useful in helping you to maintain your connection with the IGU and its global constituency.


Strategy 2020-24

The new IGU Executive Committee updated the strategy of the IGU for 2020-2024 which is to continue to advance its stated purposes while improving performance in all of them, taking into account especially the fact that the IGU will celebrate its centennial during the term of office of the current EC. In this centennial celebration, IGU must reaffirm:
  • The excellence of the discipline-based on new and appropriate concepts and methods,
  • The role of geography as a major science in global debates on, for example, climate change and social inequity, and must promote actions of its members in this context.
The Executive Committee will focus its attention on three levels of strategic activity:
  • Actions relating to IGU membership and empowerment
  • Actions relating to outreach
  • Actions relating to communication


16-20 August 2021

Capture d’écran 2021-03-09 à 18.03.46
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic affecting the world, the 34th IGC, which should be done in August 2020 in Istanbul, has been postponed to August 2021.

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing pandemic process, it was decided to hold the congress virtually between 16-20 August 2021. 1'998 oral presentations and 511 poster submissions from more than 100 countries have been accepted to the congress so far. 7 keynote speakers, who have important works in their fields, will give a conference online, as in other presentations, throughout the congress.

You can find all information on the congress website

International Geography Olympiad (iGEO)

10-16 August 2021

The International Geography Olympiad (iGeo) is an annual competition for the best 16 to 19-year-old geography students from all over the world. It is held under the auspices of the IGU, through the IGU Olympiad Task Force. http://www.geoolympiad.org

This year, the online competition will continue with the same features as the face-to-face. In other words, all activities such as opening and closing ceremonies, national presentations, and poster sessions will be included in the program as much as possible, and all 3 types of exams will be implemented.

Deadline for online participation in the competition:

March 21, 2021

To register the teams: https://www.igeo2021.org/registration/team-registration

More information https://www.igeo2021.org
If you registered for IGEO 2020 your registration has been carried forward to IGEO2021. Please let us know if you do not want to be involved with the online IGEO.

GeoNight 2021

Friday, April 9, 2021

Capture d’écran 2021-03-09 à 21.16.47
The main goal of GeoNight events is to promote geography and geographers to the general public (and not only to academics) one night/evening a year and simultaneously around the world. These events can be either organized in person (we hope this will be a possibility given the circumstances) or online. In case you decide to organize events online, various activities can be considered such as lectures, podcasts, posters/photos competition, virtual urban walks (using Google Street View, for instance), quizzes (using a video-conference platform), amongst others.

All information is available on GeoNight website


Heritage Geographies:

Politics, Uses, and Governance of the Past

Lecce (Italy) - May 27 - 29, 2021

Capture d’écran 2021-03-09 à 18.54.17
Sessions will be devoted to the following sub-themes:
Heritage governance
Heritage and Urban Planning
Patrimonialization of cultural heritage
Heritage and ICTs
Memories from the territories and educational strategies
Heritage geopolitics
Heritage and knowledge economy
Heritage for consumption: tourists and tourism
Heritage and toponymy
Southern thinking. Heritages and Mediterranean cultures
Dark Heritage (from below)

All information is available on the conference website

IGU 100th anniversary CONGRESS

Time for Geographers

PARIS - July 18 - 22, 2022

Capture d’écran 2021-03-09 à 19.18.21

The IGU 100th anniversary congress website is opened

Sessions submission: March-July 2021
Abstract submission: September-November 2021

All information is available on the congress website


IGU Transport & Geography Commission
Annual Conference - Online - 19 March 2021
Visualizing Transport Geography
Attendance is free but please register here
Conference website

IGU Commission on Tourism, Leisure and Global Change
International webinar: Tourism and the Body, May 2021 (dates tbc):
Organized by Dr. Maartje Roelofsen and Dr. Julie Wilson, NOUTUR Research Group, Open University of Catalonia in collaboration with the IGU Commission on Tourism, Leisure and Global Change). Online event, free of charge. Web tbc:
Information: Maartje.Roelofsen@uoc.edu

IGU Commission Geography of Governance - 2021
Annual Conference - 23-25 June 2021
"New Challenges of Local Governance in Times of Uncertainty and Complexity"
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Faculty of Human Geography and Planning - Metropolitan Research Center
Deadline for abstract submission: 15.03.2021 - Conference Website

IGU Gender and Geography Commission
Institute of Australian Geographers / New Zealand Geographical Society Joint Conference - IAG NZGS Joint Conference 6 – 9 July 2021
Hybrid online conference combined with in-person events
Special Session: Remembering and reimagining embodied geographies
Registration opens on March 2021 - session website

IGU Urban Geography Commission - (Re-)thinking cities and the urban: from the global to the local
Annual Conference - Beirut, August 23-27, 2021
The multiple challenges of Urban resilience
Registration opens on April 2021 - Conference website
Conference Registration before 10th of June 2021

IGU Commission on Geographical Education
CGE Webinar 2021 - Opportunities and Challenge for Geographical Education around the world during COVID and post COVID times; date: Q2 of 2021

IGU Commission on Tourism, Leisure and Global Change
Nordic Geographers Meeting 'Multiple Nordic Geographies' (7th – 10th of February 2022), Joensuu Finland.
Sessions organized including "Tourism and Biopolitics" organised by Maartje Roelofsen, Joseph Cheer and Ben Laquinto.
Deadline for abstracts: August 2021 Conference website


American Association of Geographers - AAG - Virtual Annual meeting
April 7-11, 2021 conference website
Special sessions of the IGU Commissions:
IGU Commission on Geographical Education
IGU Commission Geography of Governance

International Scientific and Practical Conference for Students, PhD Students, and Young Scientists - Region – 2021: Human-Geographical Aspects
April 15-16, 2021 (Online) conference website
The deadline for submitting the articles is April 05, 2021

EUROGEO 2021 - Online conference, Sustainable Development Goals for all
22 April 2021 - 23 April 2021, Eurogeo website

4th ICCASU Conference (International Conference on Canadian, Chinese and African Sustainable Urbanization): Density, diversity and mobility, the city in an era of cascading risks
July 27, 2021 - August 1, 2021 conference website
Deadline abstracts submission: March 15, 2021

5th International Conference Water resources Tulcea (Romania)
postponed to 8-12 September 2021 conference website

COASTGIS 2020, Novia University, Raseborg (Finland)
postponed to 16-18 September 2021 conference website

5th ASIAN CONFERENCE ON GEOGRAPHY, Thai Nguyen Univ. (Vietnam)
18-22 October 2021 conference website

30th International Cartographic Conference - ICC 2021, Florence (Italy)
14-18 December 20201 conference website
Deadlines: Full paper submission: March 19 2021; Abstracts submission: May 28 2021

Sixth International Symposium on Place Names 2021 - Virtual/Bloemfontein, South Africa
Standardization and the wealth of place names – aspects of a delicate relationship
29 September – 1 October 2021 conference website

IGU Series Book - Edward Elgar Publisher

The International Geographical Union Series on Contemporary Geographies
Editors: Professor Iain Hay and Michael Meadows

Geographies of Cosmopolitanism (2021)

Professor Barney Warf, University of Kansas
Invigorating and timely, this book provides a thorough overview of the geographies of cosmopolitanism, an ethical and political philosophy that views humanity as one community. Barney Warf charts the origins and developments of this line of thought, exploring how it has changed over time, acquiring many variations along the way...
Download Leaflet

IGU Series Book - Springer Publisher

Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences
Editor: Professor R-B. Singh
The Rise in Vacant Housing in Post-growth Japan (2020)
Kubo, Tomoko, Yui, Yoshimichi (Eds.)

Energy Dynamics and Climate Mitigation (2020)
Srivastav, Asheem

Global Geographical Heritage, Geoparks and Geotourism (2020)
Singh, R. B., Wei, Dongying, Anand, Subhash (Eds.)

Urban Health and Wellbeing (2021)
Indian Case Studies
Grover, Aakriti, Singh, R. B.

Depopulation, Aging, and Living Environments (2021)
Tsutsumi, Kenji
Learning from Social Capital and Mountainous Areas in Japan Series

Geoecology of Landscape Dynamics (2021)
Sahdev, Seema, Singh, R. B., Kumar, Manish (Eds.)

COVID-19 Pandemic Trajectory in the Developing World (2021)
Mishra, Mukunda, Singh, R. B. (Eds.)
Exploring the Changing Environmental and Economic Milieus in India Series

Sustainable Climate Action and Water Management (2021)
Mishra, R K, Singh, R. B., Dubey, Anupama (Eds.)

Other IGU recent books

Commission on Toponymy
Allison Dollimore & Peter Jordan (eds.) (2021), Place Names and Migration. Proceedings of the Symposium in Vienna, 6-8 November 2019. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač.
Chrismi-Rinda Loth (ed.) (2020), Recognition, Regulation, Revitalization. Place Names and Indigenous Languages.Imprint SunBonani Conference DOi

Lois-González, R. C. (ed.) (2021). Geographies of Mediterranean Europe. Springer International Publishing AG. DOI

Invitation for Book Chapter Contribution



Editors: Jerzy Bański, M. Meadows and RB Singh

Chapter titles according to the names of the IGU Commissions. The possibility of proposing a title or subtitle!!

Deadline for manuscript preparation – August 2021
Download the detailed recommendations
Contact: jbanski@twarda.pan.pl


Obituary for Professor Moshe Brawer (1919-2020)
Professor Moshe Brawer, Israel’s veteran, and senior geographer passed away at the age of 101 on December 28th, 2020.
Brawer was renowned in two major areas of research and teaching. He established the vibrant discipline of Political Geography and was a world-renowned expert in the field of boundaries.


January 2021: IGU joined the Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science (SCGES) which was created in September 2020.
The 15 International scientific associations which are involved in SCGES, act together to further support women and girls' equal access to science education, fostering equal opportunity and treatment for females in their careers. READ MORE...

February 2021: IGU participated in the report of ISC GeoUnions Standing Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

IIASA-ISC Consultative Science platform for sustainability path
In 2020, a partnership between the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the International Science Council (ISC) has drawn on the combined strengths and expertise of the two organizations to define and design sustainability pathways that will enable building-back a more sustainable post-COVID-19 world. The resulting IIASA-ISC Consultative Science platform has engaged a unique set of transdisciplinary global thought leaders on four themes:
Governance for sustainability
Strengthening science systems
Resilient food systems
Sustainable energy


National Geographic Magazine very rarely dedicates some spaces to political comments. It’s been an unusual decision to give exhaustive information on January 8th, 2021, about the Washington events of only two days before. The defeated President D.Trump’s supporters invaded for hours the Capitol National Parliament. They aimed to block the Joe Biden election’s winner official nomination. The journal stresses that the riot had been quite patently encouraged by the behavior, declarations, and wishes of the losing President.

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