Collaboration & Expertise

UNIL encourages the co-construction of applied knowledge on socio-ecological transformation with actors from society.

UNIL shares its academic and practical expertise in sustainability and actively supports society in the transition.

Targets to 2037

Increase the co-production of knowledge on the transition that is useful to society’s stakeholders.

Alongside teaching and research, service to society is one of the three fundamental missions of universities. This includes the dissemination of knowledge, scientific mediation, support for stakeholders in the field and partnership research.

UNIL is already particularly active in these areas. In particular, it has a Cultural and Scientific Mediation Service (SCMS) and a brand new ‘Interface’ fund designed to stimulate partnership research (see link). Some of these facilities are specifically focused on sustainability, such as the Volteface action-research programmes.

The aim is to make the most of the existing mechanisms and diversify the modes of collaboration to strengthen the links between UNIL and society for the benefit of the transition.

Non-quantifiable, but necessary to achieve the other aims.


  • Opening new fileds of research.
  • Creation of new partner networks.

Key considerations

  • Academic recognition of partnership research is still to be developed.


  • Strengthen the image of UNIL and science in general among society’s stakeholders.