
Active external awards
Swiss National Science Foundation – ‘Dynamics and Vulnerability of Mineral-organic Associations in the Rhizopshere’, Applicant: Marco Keiluweit, Partners: Gaetan Glauser, Anders Meibom, Thomas Guillaume, Zoe Cardon, Malak Tfaily, 2023-2027
Simons Foundation ‘Ecosystem on the Edge: How Coastal Marsh Plants and Microbes Thrive in an Oscillating Environment’, Applicant: Marco Keiluweit, Partners: Zoe Cardon, Charles Harvey, Anne Giblin, Amanda Spivak, Jennifer Bowen, Inke Forbrich, 2024-2028
Swiss National Science Foundation – NCCR Microbiomes ‘Microbial drivers of soil health and carbon storage’, Applicant: Marco Keiluweit, UNIL Partners: Jan van der Meer and Christoph Kehl (UNIL), 2024-2028
US Department of Energy – Terrestrial Ecosystem Science Program. ‘Sticky roots–implications of widespread, cryptic, viral infection of plants in natural and managed ecosystems for soil carbon processing in the rhizosphere (FULL PROPOSAL)‘, Zoe Cardon (PI), Marco Keiluweit (co-PI), Carolyn Malmstrom (Michigan State), Bill Riley (LBNL), 2020-2024
Swiss National Science Foundation – ‘Managing soil organic matter stabilization pathways to increase carbon and nitrogen use efficiency in croplands’ Applicant: Thomas Guillaume (Agroscope), UNIL Partners: Keiluweit and Stephanie Grand, 2023-2027
US National Science Foundation – Ecosystem Science Program. ‘Collaborative Research: Mineral-associated organic matter: an overlooked source and mediator of plant bioavailable nitrogen’, Jilling (Oklahoma), Keiluweit (co-PI), Grandy (Univ. of New Hampshire), 2021-2024
US National Science Foundation, Geobiology and Low-Temperature Geochemistry Program. ‘Collaborative Research: Manganese(III)-driven carbon oxidation at oxic-anoxic interfaces in forest soils’, Keiluweit (PI), DeAngelis (UMass Amherst), and Mao (Old Dominion Univ.), 2019-2024
Past external awards
US Department of Energy, Subsurface Biogeochemical Research Program. ‘Deciphering controls on metal migration within floodplains: The critical role of redox environments on metal-organic complexes’, Fendorf (Stanford), Keiluweit (co-PI), Boiteau (Oregon State Univ.), 2019-2022
US Department of Agriculture – UMass Extension Center for Agriculture, Food and Environment. ‘Effective cover crop management to maximize nitrogen availability’, Keiser (UMass, PI), Keiluweit (co-PI), Clay (UMass Extension)
US Department of Agriculture – NIFA Equipment Grant Program. ‘Acquisition of A Picarro Dual Carbon Isotope Analysis System for Sustainable Agricultural Research Using 13-Carbon Labeling’, Hestrin and Keiluweit (co-Is) (UMass Amherst), 2021-2022.
US Department of Energy, Subsurface Biogeochemical Research Program. ‘Root influences on mobilization and export of mineral-bound soil organic matter’, Keiluweit (PI), Cardon (Marine Biology Laboratory), Tfaily (University of Arizona), 2018-2019
US Department of Energy – Terrestrial Ecosystem Science Program ‘Sticky roots- implications of widespread, cryptic, viral infection of plants in natural and managed ecosystems for soil carbon processing in the rhizosphere’ (exploratory award), Cardon (MBL), Keiluweit (co-PI), Clarholm (MSU), 2018-2019
US Department of Energy – Subsurface Biogeochemical Research Program. ‘Hydrological Influences on biogeochemical evolution of organic matter and the fate of metals within floodplains’, Fendorf (Stanford) and Keiluweit (co-PI), 2016-2019
US Geological Survey, Powell Center Working Group Award. ‘What lies below? Improving quantification and prediction of soil carbon storage, stability, and susceptibility to disturbance’. Lawrence, (USGS), Keiluweit (co-PI), Crow (UHI), Heckman (USDA), 2016-2018
US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Experimental Station Multistate Project. ‘Hydropedology of seasonal wetlands (vernal pools)’. Keiluweit (PI) and Spokas (UMass), 2016-2019

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