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Publications and Proceedings


Lambiel C., Strozzi T., Paillex N., Vivero S., Jones N. (2023) Inventory and kinematics of active and transitional rock glaciers in the Southern Alps of New Zealand from Sentinel-1 InSAR, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 55:1, 2183999, doi: 10.1080/15230430.2023.2183999

Del Siro C., Scapozza C., Perga M.-E., Lambiel C. (2023), Investigating the origin of solutes in rock glacier springs in the Swiss Alps: A conceptual model. Front. Earth Sci. 11:1056305. doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1056305


Vivero S., Hendrickx H., Frankl A., Delaloye R. Lambiel C. (2022). Kinematics and geomorphological changes of a destabilising rock glacier captured from close-range sensing techniques (Tsarmine rock glacier, Western Swiss Alps). Front. Earth Sci. 10:1017949. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.1017949

Bertone A., Barboux C., Bodin X., Bolch T., Brardinoni F., Caduff R., Christiansen H.H., Darrow M. M., Delaloye R., Etzelmüller B., Humlum O., Lambiel C., Lilleøren K.S., Mair V.,  Pellegrinon G., Rouyet L., Ruiz L., Strozzi T. (2022). Incorporating InSAR kinematics into rock glacier inventories: insights from 11 regions worldwide. The Cryosphere, 16 (7) pp. 2769-2792, doi: 10.5194/tc-16-2769-2022

Mourey J., Ravanel L., Lambiel C. (2022). Climate change related processes affecting mountaineering itineraries, mapping and application to the Valais Alps (Switzerland), Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 104:2, 109-126, doi: 10.1080/04353676.2022.2064651


Vivero S., Bodin X., Farías-Barahona D., MacDonell S., Schaffer N., Robson, B. A. Lambiel C. (2021). Combination of Aerial, Satellite, and UAV Photogrammetry for Quantifying Rock Glacier Kinematics in the Dry Andes of Chile (30°S) Since the 1950s. Frontiers in Remote Sensing. 2, 1–17. doi:10.3389/frsen.2021.784015.

Scapozza C., Del Siro C., Lambiel C., Ambrosi C. (2021). Schmidt hammer exposure-age dating of periglacial and glacial landforms in the Southern Swiss Alps based on R-value calibration using historical data, Geogr. Helv., 76, 401–423,

Ghram Messedi A., Ben Fraj T., Ben Ouezdou H., Clivaz M., Comisso C., Lambiel C., Reynard E. (2021). De la carte géomorphologique à la carte géotouristique : Proposition et application d’une méthode de représentation cartographique par SIG. Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement, 27 :1, p. 69-87

Giaccone G., Oriani F., Tonini M., Lambiel C., Mariéthoz M. (2021). Using data-driven algorithms for semi-automated geomorphological mapping. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.

Noetzli J., Arenson L., Bast A., Beutel J., Delaloye R., Farinotti D., Gruber S., Gubler H., Haeberli W., Hasler A., Hauck C., Hiller M., Hoelzle M., Lambiel C., Pellet C., Springman S.M., Vonder Muehll D., Phillips M. (2021). Best practice for measuring permafrost temperature in boreholes based on the experience in the Swiss Alps. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9:607875.


Lambiel C. (2020). Glacial and periglacial landscapes in the Hérens valley. In: Landscapes and Landforms of. Switzerland. E. Reynard (Ed), Springer.

Lambiel C., Reynard E., Corboz P., Bardou E., Payot C., Deslarzes B. (2020). Reconstructing past flood events from geomorphological and historical data. The Giétro outburst flood in 1818, Journal of Maps, 16:2, 500-511, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2020.1763487


Biskaborn Boris K, Smith Sharon L, Noetzli Jeannette, Matthes Heidrun, Vieira Goncalo, Streletskiy Dmitry A, Schoeneich Philippe, Romanovsky Vladimir E, Lewkowicz Antoni G, Abramov Andrey, Allard Michel, Boike Julia, Cable William L, Christiansen Hanne H, Delaloye Reynald, Diekmann Bernhard, Drozdov Dmitry, Etzelmüller Bernd, Grosse Guido, Guglielmin Mauro, Ingeman-Nielsen Thomas, Isaksen Ketil, Ishikawa Mamoru, Johansson Margareta, Johannsson Halldor, Joo Anseok, Kaverin Dmitry, Kholodov Alexander, Konstantinov Pavel, Kröger Tim, Lambiel Christophe, Lanckman Jean-Pierre, Luo Dongliang, Malkova Galina, Meiklejohn Ian, Moskalenko Natalia, Oliva Marc, Phillips Marcia, Ramos Miguel, Sannel A Britta K, Sergeev Dmitrii, Seybold Cathy, Skryabin Pavel, Vasiliev Alexander, Wu Qingbai, Yoshikawa Kenji, Zheleznyak Mikhail, Lantuit Hugues (2019). Permafrost is warming at a global scale. Nature Communications, 10 (1) p. 264. DOI : 10.1038/s41467-018-08240-4

Giaccone E., Luoto M., Vittoz P., Guisan A., Mariéthoz G., Lambiel C. (2019). Influence of microclimate and geomorphological factors on alpine vegetation in the Western Swiss Alps. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 44:15, p. 3093-3107. Doi:

Lambiel C., Talon P. (2019). Les glaciers du haut val de Bagnes au Petit Age glaciaire. Annales valaisannes, Actes du colloque Giétro 1818 sous la loupe des sciences, p. 63-75. PDF

Lambiel C., Reynard E., Corboz P, Bardou E., Dumoulin H. (2019). Sur les traces de la débâcle du Giétro, de Mauvoisin à Martigny. Annales valaisannes, Actes du colloque Giétro 1818 sous la loupe des sciences, p. 107-119. PDF

Mourey J., Ravanel L., Lambiel C., Strecker J., Piccardi M. (2019). Access routes to high mountain huts facing climate-induced environmental changes and adaptive strategies in the Western Alps since the 1990s, Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift – Norwegian Journal of Geography. 73:4, p. 215-228, DOI: 10.1080/00291951.2019.1689163

PERMOS (2019). Permafrost in Switzerland 2014/2015 to 2017/2018. Noetzli, J., Pellet, C. and Staub, B. (eds.), Glaciological Report Permafrost No. 16–19 of the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, 104 pp.

Reynard E., Clivaz M., Corboz P., Decorzant Y., Deslarzes B., Fellay J.-C., Hugon-Duc M., Lambiel C., Meilland A., Payot C. (in press). Croiser les sources environnementales, historiques et sociologiques pour reconstituer les catastrophes naturelles. Le cas de la débâcle du Giétro du 16 juin 1818. Physio-Géo, 14, 307-326. Doi:

Vivero S., Lambiel C. (2019). Monitoring the crisis of a rock glacier with repeated UAV surveys. Geographica Helvetica, 74(1), 59-69. Doi:


Hendrickx H., Vivero S., De Cock L., De Wit B., De Maeyer P, Lambiel C., Delaloye R., Nyssen J., Frankl A.(2019) The reproducibility of SfM algorithms to produce detailed Digital Surface Models: the example of PhotoScan applied to a high-alpine rock glacier, Remote Sensing Letters, 10:1, 11-20, Doi: 10.1080/2150704X.2018.1519641

Lambiel C. (2018). Brèche, defilé et dépôts… Indices au récit de la débâcle. In : Giétro 1818. Une histoire vraie. Hugon-Duc M., Ed. Faim de siècle / Musée de Bagnes, 192 p.

Ravanel L., Duvillard P.-A., Jaboyedoff M., Lambiel L. (2018). Recent evolution of an ice-cored moraine at the Gentianes Pass, Valais Alps, Switzerland. Land Degradation & Development 29(10), p. 3693-3708. DOI : 10.1002/ldr.3088

Winkler S, Lambiel C (2018). Age constraints of rock glaciers in the Southern Alps/New Zealand–Exploring their palaeoclimatic potential. The Holocene, 8, 5. DOI : 10.1177/0959683618756802


Delaloye R., Lambiel C. (2017). Suivis par GPS et webcam de glaciers rocheux à mouvement rapide. Collection EDYTEM, 19, 19-25.

Deluigi N, Lambiel C, Kanevski M (2017). Data-driven mapping of the potential mountain permafrost distribution. Science of The Total Environment 590, 370-380.DOI : 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.041


Bosson J-B, Lambiel C (2016). Internal Structure and Current Evolution of Very Small Debris-Covered Glacier Systems Located in Alpine Permafrost Environments. Frontiers in Earth Science 4, 39. DOI:

Capt M, Bosson J-B, Fischer M, Micheletti N, Lambiel C (2016). Decadal evolution of a very small heavily debris-covered glacier in an Alpine permafrost environment. Journal of Glaciology 62(233), 535-551. DOI:

Lambiel C, Maillard B, Kummert M, Reynard E (2016). Geomorphology of the Hérens valley (Swiss Alps). Journal of Maps 12, 160-172.

Marmy A, Rajczak J, Delaloye R, Hilbich C, Hoelzle M, Kotlarski S, Lambiel C, Noetzli J, Phillips M, Salzmann N, Staub B, Hauck C (2016). Semi-automated calibration method for modelling of mountain permafrost evolution in Switzerland. The Cryosphere 10(6), 2693-2719.

PERMOS (2016). Permafrost in Switzerland 2010/2011 to 2013/2014. Noetzli, J. , Luethi, R., and Staub, B. (eds.), Glaciological Report Permafrost No. 12–15 of the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, 85 pp.


Lambiel C, Maillard B, Kummert M, Reynard E (2015). La diversité géomorphologique du val d’Hérens. Bull. Murithienne 132, 57-67.

Micheletti N, Lambiel C, Lane S (2015). Investigating decadal-scale geomorphic dynamics in an alpine mountain setting. Journal of geophysical research: Earth surface 120 (10), 2155-2175.

Marmy A, Rajczak J, Delaloye R, Hilbich C, Hoelzle M, Kotlarski S, Lambiel C, Noetzli J, Phillips M, Salzmann N, Staub B, Hauck C (2015). Semi-automated calibration method for modelling of mountain permafrost evolution in Switzerland. Cryosphere Discussions 9 (5), 4787-4843.

Ravanel L, Deline P, Lambiel C, Duvillard PA (2015). Stability monitoring of high Alpine infrastructure by terrestrial laser scanning. In: Lollino G, Manconi A, Clague J, Shan W, Chiarle M (eds.). Engineering Geology for Society and Territory: climate change and engineering geology. Springer, chap. 32, 169-172.

Reynard E, Lambiel C (2015). La cartographie géomorphologique au service de la lecture du paysage. Bulletin de la Murithienne 132, 43-44.

Scapozza C, Baron L, Lambiel C (2015). Borehole logging in alpine periglacial talus slopes (Valais, Swiss Alps). Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 26, 67-83.


Barboux C, Delaloye R, Lambiel C, (2014). Inventorying slope movements in an Alpine environment using DInSAR. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39, 2087-2099.

Bosson J-B, Deline P, Bodin X, Schoeneich P, Baron L, Gardent M, Lambiel C (2014). The influence of ground ice distribution on geomorphic dynamics since the Little Ice Age in proglacial areas of two cirque glacier systems. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40 (5), 666-680.

Scapozza C, Lambiel C, Bozzini C, Mari S. Conedera M (2014). Assessing the rock glacier kinematics on three different timescales: a case study from the southern Swiss Alps. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39, 2056-2069.


Barboux C, Delaloye R, Lambiel C, Strozzi T, Collet C, Raetzo H (2013). Surveying the activity of landslides and rock glaciers above the tree line with InSAR. In: Graf C (ed.). Mattertal – ein Tal in Bewegung. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Geomorphologischen Gesellschaft 29. Juni – 1. Juli 2011, St. Niklaus, Birmensdorf, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL. 7-19.

Barboux C, Delaloye R, Lambiel C, Strozzi T, Raetzo H, Collet C (2013). Semi-automated detection of terrain activity in the Swiss alpine periglacial environment from DInSAR scenes. Proceedings ESA Living Planet Symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 9-13.

Deluigi N, Lambiel C (2013). PERMAL: a machine learning approach for alpine permafrost distribution modeling. In: Graf C (ed.). Mattertal – ein Tal in Bewegung. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Geomorphologischen Gesellschaft 29. Juni – 1. Juli 2011, St. Niklaus, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL.

PERMOS (2013). Permafrost in Switzerland 2008/2009 and 2009/2010. Noetzli, J. (ed), Glaciological Report Permafrost No. 10/11 of the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, 80 pp.

Ravanel L, Deline P, Lambiel C, Vincent C (2013). Instability of a High Alpine Rock Ridge: the Lower Arête Des Cosmiques (Mont Blanc Massif, France). Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 95, 51-66.


Ravanel L, Lambiel C (2012). Evolution récente de la moraine des Gentianes (2894 m, Valais, Suisse): un cas de réajustement paraglaciaire? Environnements périglaciaires 18, 53-60.

Reynard E, Lambiel C, Lane S (2012). Climate change and integrated analysis of mountain geomorphological systems. Geographica Helvetica 67 (1-2), 5-14.

Scapozza C, Lambiel C (2012). Structure interne et répartition du pergélisol dans l’éboulis « à galets » de Tsaté-Moiry (VS). In: Graf C (ed.). Mattertal – ein Tal in Bewegung. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Geomorphologischen Gesellschaft 29. Juni – 1. Juli 2011, St. Niklaus, Birmensdorf, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL. 33-45.


Dvorak C-A, Lambiel C, Stoffel M (2011). Etude dendroécologique des épicéas nains: étude de cas dans la combe de Dreveneuse (Valais, Suisse). In: Lambiel C, Reynard E, Scapozza C (eds.). La géomorphologie alpine : entre patrimoine et contrainte. Actes du colloque de la Société Suisse de Géomorphologie, 3-5 septembre 2009, Olivone, Géovisions 36, Institut de Géographie de l’Université de Lausanne. pp. 113-126.

Lambiel C (2011). Le glacier rocheux déstabilisé de Tsaté-Moiry (VS): caractéristiques morphologiques et vitesses de déplacement. In: Lambiel C, Reynard E, Scapozza C (eds.). La géomorphologie alpine: entre patrimoine et contrainte. Actes du colloque de la Société Suisse de Géomorphologie, 3-5 septembre 2009, Olivone, Géovisions, Institut de Géographie de l’Université de Lausanne. pp. 211-224.

Ramelli G, Scapozza C, Mari S, Lambiel C (2011). Structure interne et dynamique des glaciers rocheux du massif de la Cima di Gana Bianca, Val Blenio (Tessin). In: Lambiel C, Reynard E, Scapozza C (eds.). La géomorphologie alpine: entre patrimoine et contrainte. Actes du colloque de la Société Suisse de Géomorphologie, 3-5 septembre 2009, Olivone, Géovisions, Institut de Géographie de l’Université de Lausanne. pp. 177-193.

Scapozza C, Lambiel C, Baron L, Marescot L, Reynard E (2011). Internal structure and permafrost distribution in two alpine periglacial talus slopes, Valais, Swiss Alps. Geomorphology 132 (3-4), 208-221.

Scapozza C, Lambiel C, Gex P, Reynard E (2011). Prospection géophysique multi-méthodes du pergélisol alpin dans le Sud des Alpes Suisses. Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement 1/2011, 15-32.

Scapozza C, Lambiel C, Reynard E (2011). Datation relative de formes périglaciaires alpines à l’aide de la méthode paléogéographique et du marteau de Schmidt. In: Lambiel C, Reynard E, Scapozza C (eds.). La géomorphologie alpine: entre patrimoine et contrainte. Actes du colloque de la Société Suisse de Géomorphologie, 3-5 septembre 2009, Olivone, Géovisions, Institut de Géographie de l’Université de Lausanne. pp. 127-143.


Delaloye R, Lambiel C, Gärtner-Roer R (2010). Overview of rock glacier kinematics research in the Swiss Alps: seasonal rhythm, interannual variations and trends over several decades. Geographica Helvetica 65 (2), 135-145.

Morard S, Delaloye R, Lambiel C (2010). Pluriannual thermal behaviour of low elevation cold talus slopes in western Switzerland. Geographica Helvetica 65 (2), 124-134.

Scapozza C, Lambiel C, Reynard E, Fallot J-M, Antognini M, Schoeneich P (2010). Radiocarbon dating of fossil wood remains buried by the Piancabella rock glacier, Blenio Valley (Ticino, Southern Swiss Alps): implications for rock glacier, treeline and climate history. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 21, 90-96.

Theler D, Reynard E, Lambiel C, Bardou E (2010). The contribution of geomorphological mapping to sediment transfer evaluation in small alpine catchments. Geomorphology 124, 113-123.


Lambiel C, Bardou E, Delaloye R, Schuetz P, Schoeneich P (2009). Extension spatiale du pergélisol dans les Alpes vaudoises : implication pour la dynamique sédimentaire locale. Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles 91 (4), 407-424.


Delaloye R, Strozzi T, Lambiel C, Perruchoud E (2008). Landslide-like development of rockglaciers detected with ERS-1/2 SAR interferometry. Proceedings ESA FRINGE Symposium 2007.

Lambiel C, Baron L (2008). Two-dimensional geoelectrical monitoring in an alpine frozen moraine. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, Alaska.

Lambiel C, Delaloye R, Strozzi T, Lugon R, Raetzo H (2008). ERS InSAR for assessing rock glacier activity. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1019-1025.

Lambiel C, Pieracci K (2008). Permafrost distribution in talus slopes located within the alpine periglacial belt, Swiss Alps. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 19 (3), 293-304.

Lambiel C, Schuetz P (2008). Ground characteristics and deformation of a frozen moraine affected by tourist infrastructures (Col des Gentianes, Valais). Klimaveränderungen auf der Spur. Studien des Europäischen Tourismus Instituts an der Academia Engiadina, Samedan, 5, 110-122.

Roer I, Avian M, Delaloye R, Lambiel C, Haeberli W, Kääb A, Kaufmann V (2008). Observations and considerations on collapsing active rockglaciers in the Alps. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, Alaska, 2, 1505-1510.

Scapozza C, Gex P, Lambiel C, Reynard E (2008). Contribution of self-potential (SP) measurements in the study of alpine periglacial hydrology: examples from the southern Swiss Alps. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, Alaska, 2, 1583-1588.

Scapozza C, Gex P, Lambiel C, Reynard E (2008). Electromagnetic prospecting in alpine permafrost: examples from the Southern Swiss Alps. 6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-23 November 2008, Abstract volume 6.25, 201-202.

Scapozza C, Lambiel C, Reynard E (2008). Glaciers rocheux et distribution régionale du pergélisol discontinu dans les Alpes Tessinoises orientales (Suisse). In: Rothenbühler Christine (eds.). Klimaveränderungen auf der Spur, Studien des Europäisches Tourismus Instituts an der Academia Engiadina, Samedan, 79-92.

Scapozza C, Lambiel C, Reynard E, Antognini M, Schoeneich P (2008). 14C age of fossil wood remains buried by an inactive rockglacier, upper Ticino area (southern Swiss Alps). Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, Alaska, 269-270.

Scapozza C, Mari S, Valenti G, Strozzi T, Gex P, Fontana G, Müller G, Lambiel C, Delaloye R, Reynard E (2008). Permafrost map of the Eastern Ticino Alps. 6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-23 November 2008, Abstract volume 6.26, 203-204.


Delaloye R, Lambiel C, Lugon R, Raetzo H, Strozzi T (2007). ERS InSAR for detecting slope movement in a periglacial mountain environment (western Valais Alps, Switzerland). Proceedings HMRSC-IX, Grazer Schriften der Geographie und Raumforschung 43, 113-120.

Delaloye R, Lambiel C, Lugon R, Raetzo H, Strozzi T (2007). Typical ERS InSAR signature of slope movements in a periglacial mountain environment (Swiss Alps). Proceedings Envisat Symposium 2007, Montreux, Switzerland 23-27 April 2007 (ESA SP-636, July 2007), 3P7.

Lambiel C (2007). Répartition du pergélisol alpin: le cas des éboulis. Geosciences Actuel, scnat 1, 33-35.


Lambiel C (2006). Le pergélisol dans les terrains sédimentaires à forte déclivité: distribution, régime thermique et instabilités. Institut de Géographie, Université de Lausanne, Travaux et Recherches N°33.


Delaloye R, Lambiel C (2005). Evidences of winter ascending air circulation in talus slopes situated near the lower limit of alpine discontinuous permafrost (Swiss Alps). Norsk geog. Tidsskr. 59, 194-203.


Lambiel C, Delaloye R (2004). Contribution of real-time kinematic GPS in the study of creeping mountain permafrost. Examples the Western Swiss Alps. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 15, 229-241.

Lugon R, Delaloye R, Serrano E, Reynard E, Lambiel C, González-Trueba (2004). Permafrost and Little Ice Age glaciers relationships in the Posets Massif, Central Pyrenees, Spain. Permafrost and periglacial processes 15, 207-220.


Lambiel C, Reynard E (2003). Impacts du développement d’un domaine skiable sur la morphologie glaciaire et périglaciaire : le cas de Verbier (Valais, Suisse). In: Reynard E, Holzmann C, Guex D, Summermatter N (eds.). Géomorphologie et tourisme, Institut de Géographie, Université de Lausanne, 19-33.


Lambiel C, Reynard E (2002). Cartographie de la distribution du pergélisol et datation des glaciers rocheux dans la région du Mont Gelé (Valais). Entwicklungstendenzen und Zukunftsperspektiven in der Geomorphologie, Physische Geographie, Zürich, 41, 91-104.