SNIS: Call pour projets 2020, délai au 25 janvier 2020

Le réseau suisse pour les études internationales (SNIS) propose des subsides pour des équipes de recherche pluridisciplinaires. Les subsides financent des projets de deux ans, allant de Fr. 100’000 à 300’000.

Project proposals by eligible institutions (Universities, Universities of Applied Science, Universities of Teacher Education) must qualify as:

  • International studies: The SNIS adopts an inclusive understanding of International studies. Therefore, research in international studies concerns issues that are pluri-disciplinary, relevant to the international agenda, and for which international cooperation is required to produce policy-relevant outputs. Issues may combine political, economic, social, environmental, historical, legal, health, scientific, and development dimensions of complex societal questions.
  • Pluri-disciplinary: Projects are pluri-disciplinary and they can include disciplines from both the social and natural sciences.
    In addition to the above criteria, the SNIS strongly encourages collaborations with International Organizations and NGOs.

Thematically, submissions can be made in one of the following sections:

  • General call: In any area of International Studies as defined above.
  • Special theme 2020: What promising new forms of global governance and cooperation in response to the changed geopolitical order? Opportunities and challenges for non-state actors.

The full Call 2020 is also available as a pdf document

Submission deadline: 15th January 2020 at 13:00h (GMT +1)

Submit your pre-proposal on the SNIS website.